Chapter Twenty-Eight.

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"How many times should I tell you to keep the meeting files separate, now are you going to stay overtime and recover all the files?" He asks me, his eyes are full of anger and irritation. I look down at my hands and curse the time I deleted all the files I thought were of no use but here we are now, He wanted the previous files for some work, and imagine my horror when he asked me about them. I had to lie to him that I didn't know how all the files got deleted and he believed me and now he's ripping me apart.

He's so angry right now, It's just afternoon and we have the whole day to go. What will I do? He'll end up killing me sooner or later.

"I'll- I will try to recover the files, Mr. Hayes," I say, my voice barely a whisper.

"I see your lips moving but your voice can't reach my ears, Care to speak up, Marilyn?" I look at him and he's glaring at me, I've messed up big time.

"I will try to recover the files," I repeat with my voice a little louder.

"I want the files recovered till the end of the day, Marilyn. Do you understand this?" He asks, I nod a little.

"I need your words!" His voice causes me to nearly jump out of my skin, He's on the edge of losing it altogether. He's never raised his voice like this at me. 

"O-okay," I look down again, this time I fix my eyes on my shoes. I can't meet his eyes. I'm too scared to do so. Can anyone imagine that this man was being all soft with me just this morning?

But how can I forget that he becomes my boss from the moment we set foot inside the office building. Serves me right for being careless.

"Please leave and don't show me your face until you've recovered all the files or you can say goodbye to your job." 

My eyes widen at this, he seems too serious this time. I may end up losing this job and I want it, I need this job. I want to stay beside him. Maybe I'll get a promotion or something?

Maybe I'll end up jobless after today.

I leave his office trying hard to keep a straight face. I need Jason's help with this. He knows how to recover files. I hate that I need his help but I'm not exactly familiar with other employees on different floors in the building and I don't want to waste time looking for them. Why not just ask for help from Jason?

I make my way toward his cabin, twisting my fingers in nervousness. Because I'm sure he's going to ask something in return and I'll be unable to give him that.

Or maybe I'll eventually have to give him everything he wants because I still can't tell Aiden everything that's going on in my life. Maybe I'm a bad wife after all. 

We still have so much to build between us, Physical intimacy isn't the only secret to a happy marriage there is so much more that you need to have to establish that unbreakable bond and to be honest the bond between me and Aiden is weak right now.

I open the door to his cabin without even bothering to knock because I know I'm going to be in a mess after this, why should I care for etiquette?

I enter his cabin and instantly regret the moment I decided to enter this place without knocking. Because the scene that I'm witnessing is not pretty.

"Oh my god." I manage to get this out, immediately getting a reaction from the individuals who're sucking faces. Jason pushes Eileen, who's from the accounts, off his lap and stands up.

"Look... Marilyn." He tries to say something when Eileen cuts him off.

"Mrs. Hayes... I swear, this was the first time. Please, please don't tell Mr. Hayes." She takes a step towards me and takes my hands in hers. 

"I... just came here to get some work done." I look at Jason and he starts nodding. Eileen leaves my hand and looks at Jason, he gives her a look that I fail to understand and she leaves.

"Please, have a seat." Wow, I never thought witnessing him making out with another employee would be this good for me.

Oh, did I forget to mention? It's prohibited to be intimate during office hours. I mean, of course, it should be. And Aiden is very strict about his rules. 

"Uh, I deleted some important files by mistake, I needed your help to-,"

"To recover them, right? Let's go, I'll do that right away." He cuts me off and rushes out even before me. Woah.

Twenty minutes later, I stand in front of my boss again, this time with my laptop in my hand and a confident smile on my face.

He scans my face and then looks at my laptop.

"Well?" He asks. I take a step towards his desk.

"The files are recovered." I place my laptop in front of him. He raises an eyebrow and keeps on looking at me, ignoring my laptop completely.

"We have a meeting with our new clients in an hour, funny thing is, you should've reminded me of this but I'm the one telling you this instead," Is he going to shout at me again? I fix my eyes on my laptop, unable to face him.

"Where is your mind these days, Marilyn?" He asks, I can sense the anger in his voice now. I'm messing up frequently today.

"Nowhere, Sir." You. My mind is stuck on you. Whether you kill people or not. Whether you're a normal businessman or not. 

Of course, I don't say any of this to him but I'm dying to tell him this.

"You delete my important files, and you forget about an important meeting. That's too much for a day, isn't it?" He demands. I nod.

"Look at me." I hear him say, I do as I'm told and look at him. His eyes are killing me. He's angry. So angry.

"Where is your mind nowadays?" He asks me. 

I shrug helplessly. I can't tell him that here. 

"I need your words, Marilyn." He stands up and starts walking toward me. Even though I made myself believe in the fact that he's never going to harm me, I'm scared for my life right now.

He stops in front of me, keeping a respectable amount of distance between us, that should be kept between a boss and an employee. 

"I told you it's nothing," I say. But my voice gives away the fact that I'm lying.

"You're telling me the truth right now or I'm firing you. I don't need a secretary who keeps messing things up." There he goes again, with his threats. I don't care about this job anymore. That's it.

I take a deep breath. I should just ask him. Let's get all the questions out of the way once and for all.

I look at him and he's expecting an answer. 

"Do you kill people?" 

What the fuck, Marilyn?

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