Kissing her turned me into a new man. I won't say that I'm proud of what I did to her but damn that felt good. And I'm not ashamed to confess that I wanted more.
But she confuses the hell out of me, and sometimes I wish she wouldn't speak at all but damn, sometimes I wish I could do whatever I want with her and she won't object. Won't even utter a single word.
"Why did you call me here, is it something urgent?" I ask the person standing in front of me. Andre seems like he saw a ghost before he came into my office.
"Will you speak?" He says nothing and simply places a file in front of me.
"The fuck is this?" I ask again, I hate it when people randomly decide to go mute.
"It's about your parents." He's fidgeting with the hem of his shirt, why does he look scared? I sit reach towards the file and pick it up.
"I know my grandpa killed them, I'm sure of it." I mumble but it's audible enough for Andre to hear it.
"Your parents are not dead, Mr. Hayes." I don't why but I wish I could laugh at this. My parents are not dead? Andre really thinks he can joke around about this?
"Are you sure you aren't suicidal?" I look at him and he takes a step back.
"I don't know how this is possible. But I was investigating your parents' death like you ordered me to and one discovery lead to another and I don't know, this makes no sense." He points towards the file in my hands.
"It says there that you are the first born of Edward and Mila Hayes. That's your uncle and aunt right?"
I might've never thought that this would happen to me, but I look down and find my hands visibly shaking. I trust Andre with my life, he would've never told me this if he wasn't a hundred percent sure that what he's saying isn't crap.
I open the file and the contents there are enough for me to shut it again and throw it as far away from me a possible.
"My aunt's name isn't Mila." That's all I manage to say while trying to make sense of this information.
"I don't understand this, Mr. Hayes." Andre's voice seems to be coming from a distance.
I manage to stand up. I know where I have to go for answers. I know there's only one person who can help me make sense of this bullshit.
It's as if he was expecting me at this hour.
"Andre's been snooping around a lot, I've been expecting this visit for weeks now." He sits back in his favorite chair and looks at me, his eyes filled with amusement.
"Is Edward Hayes my biological father?" I waste no time and cut right to the chase, I just need an answer. A confirmation.
"Is that all you're gonna give? No explanation? Nothing?" If someone asked me at this very moment, what I was feeling, I'd say nothing. I'm feeling nothing. My life has always been full of surprises, so this doesn't shock me the way it would shock other people if they were in my place.
"Why should I explain anything to you?" He asks.
"Can you just tell me what the fuck is this?" I don't want to plead to him. I don't. I can't. Until an hour ago I thought this man killed my parents, but now I'm not sure about anything anymore.
"Is your wife okay?"
"I want to know the truth."
"She isn't suspicious of anything, right?"
"Am I even your grandson?"
"Of course you are. Your father had nothing to do with you after you mother died after giving birth to you. He wanted to give you up for adoption but your uncle took you in and raised you as his own."
"That's it? You're not going to tell me the reason you murdered them? You didn't want me to have a family? Is that right?"
I feel like an eight year old boy, desperate for answers. Desperate for love.
"Of course, I did. Except for the fact that David and Camilla wanted you dead as soon as I announced that everything will be in your name as soon as you turned 21. The house, the business, everything. David wanted it all, he couldn't stand it. That's it."
"So you killed them."
"I saved you."
"You are a sick man, you know that right? You need help."
"One day you'll realize why I did what I did. You really think having my own son murdered was easy for me?"
I stand up and start making my way towards the door.
"I loved him, Aiden. He was my eldest. But he was sick in the mind, he was a psychopath who married a woman who was the female version of him. I couldn't let them live and be a danger to the people around them."
I turn to face him, and in God know how many years, I feel like I need to cry.
"What about my sister? What was her fault?"
"She was Camilla's daughter, a result of an affair I believe, She was just a burden. Let's talk tomorrow, go back home to your wife."
I don't know how I leave his place and where I drive off to but I find myself at her place in the morning.
She's there, sitting on the edge of the bed as sunlight pours into the room. It's familiar and unfamiliar at the same time.
"What are you doing here?" I manage to form a sentence despite my throat being all closed up.
"More like what are you doing here? You can't just show up here after years, Aiden. This could get you fucking killed."
I sit up on the bed and look around then I look at her. She hasn't changed. She hasn't changed a bit.
"I missed you."

Mr. Billionaire's Lovely Wife.
Romance"Treat me like your wife. I want you to give me a chance, give this marriage a chance." He looks at me with those brilliant blue eyes of his. His eyes pierce through my soul and I wish I hadn't said anything. He takes a step towards me and I step ba...