Tien x lovestruck!reader

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I was utterly in love with him and he didn't even know. It's not like I even tried to hide it, I was always painfully honest about my feelings, I confessed to him everytime I saw him. Everyone knew how I felt except for him, I even told him straight out "I love you Tien" and he replies "uh huh I love you too you're a great friend". That always put me down but it made me more determined than ever to get him to finally realize my feelings for him.

<Time skip brought to you by Cell's perfect face>

Bulma was having another party because she can everyone was having a great time, music was blasting, people were playing games, eating, and talking hell even Vegeta was tapping his foot to the music. Tien and Chiaotzu just arrived and were greeted by a nod from Piccolo and a hey from Krillin they simply greeted back and Chiaotzu went off to hang out with Dende. Tien picked up some food and just sat down enjoying the music. Until I showed up.

Bulma invited me to her party she said she was having one so everyone can catch up again and just to have fun and hang out. I was excited cuz I knew Tien would be there Chiaotzu probably didn't stop bugging him till he said yes. I giggled at the thought I decided to go with a simple yet cute outfit hoping to catch Tien's eyes

 I giggled at the thought I decided to go with a simple yet cute outfit hoping to catch Tien's eyes

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I finished tying my shoes looked myself in the mirror one more time and flew to Bulma's.

(Tien POV)
I just sat down after grabbing some food soon Krillin sat down and we just started talking about training and his job at the police department. I noticed Beerus and Whis showed up I was still a bit uneasy around them. Then I heard Y/N voice and mentally groaned she was a great girl but she always wants to be around me. She compliments me everytime we see each other and she's always touching me it just makes me feel suffocated. Krillin noticed my stressed expression "hey man you ok?" "yea I'm fine it's just Y/N is here" I sighed tiredly "is that a problem?" he asked confused I replied "Yes and no I mean I know she's Bulma's best friend and all so of course she'd be here but it's just she annoys me and she's always around me" Krillin laughs and says "well yea she's always around you, she likes you dude" I sighed "I know she likes me she says I'm a great friend everytime she talks to me she says she loves me so she probably thinks I'm her best friend" Krillin eyes twitched like he didn't believe what I just said. He got up and said "I don't know maybe you should have an actual conversation with her" What's that supposed to mean I think to myself as he walks away

I get to the party and I can already see people having a great time and some are already a little tipsy. I land and walk over to Bulma to say hi and I noticed Beerus and Whis with her I was great friends with Whis and Beerus didn't mind me since when I visit I cook for them I love to cook it gives me a sense of peace. Anyways I walk over and noticed Tien sitting with Krillin he's so cute that I just wanna squeeze him I blush whenever I see him so my cheeks were flushed when I got to Whis. "My my lady Y/N all I have to do simply look at you and you blush already" I blushed harder at the me and What are great friends and we playfully flirt all the time "Well have my eyes deceived me or are you the man of my dreams" and I bat my eyelashes at him. Bulma snorts and says "Oh Y/N we all know the man of your dreams is Tien" I reply "I know that, you know that, everyone knows that except for him" I sigh sadly, suddenly Whis lets out a gasp "Oh lady Y/N I have the perfect idea it might take a while to work though" "What is it?" I reply eagerly "Let's make him jealous" he says while smiling "My eyes light up "I've never thought of that especially since I've had no one to do it with!" Bulma and Beerus exchange a glance and think 'it just might work'
"Great now that that's decided here's what we do" and then Whis started whispering in my ear basically the plan was just to act calm and not act like I'm crazy in love with him and just treat him as a friend. So it started simply with me just talking and hanging out with Whis and holding his hand a few of our friends had confused looks on their face since they knew how I basically worshiped the ground Tien walked on. I walked up to Tien and it doesn't matter how many times I see him, he makes me blush everytime but this time I had to keep my cool I sat down next to him "Hey Y/N" he said nonchalantly "hey Tien how are you, you enjoying the party?" I said back just as nonchalant. He looked kinda startled at my tone since I wasn't basically jumping up and down in his presence. "Um I'm fine, the party is ok, how are you?" I had to basically push down my urge to squeal at the simple question "I'm fine just hanging out with Whis" I say as I look over to Whis and wave, and him waving back, I look back at Tien in time to see a small frown on his face to go away, I mentally blush at the thought of him being jealous. "You hang out with him a lot?" his tone a little more stern then usual "I guess I just noticed how cute he is and how adorable he gets when he tries new food" I put my hand to my cheek feeling how warm it was meaning I was blushing but it's true Whis gets so cute around food. "mhm" he grunts "Excuse me would you mind if I steal this beautiful lady Tien?" A soft voice says, I look to see Whis "Go ahead" Tien says a bit sour, I grab Whis's hand as he takes me to dance to a slow song

(Tien POV)
I see Y/N walk over and I don't mind that much since I just felt like talking to someone I noticed how beautiful she looked in those shorts, then I mentally slapped myself for thinking that. She sits down and almost immediately I get a little confused at how she's acting since she's usually so hyper we greet each other and she mentioned she's hanging out with Whis and I don't know why but hearing that made my chest hurt a bit, but I couldn't be jealous, could I? "You hang out with him a lot?" I say hoping my tone didn't come off as rude "Yeah I guess I just noticed how cute he is and how adorable he gets when he tries new food" she says while blushing and I feel my chest hurting even more

Soon Whis comes over asks her to dance and a slow romantic song was playing but something about seeing them together upset me even though I was sure I had no feelings for (Y/N
). Maybe I did secretly like the attention she gave me I mean since Launch broke up with me the only person I've spent time with was Chiaotzu and that doesn't really count since he's my best friend. So here I am alone watching a girl I might like dance with someone else. Then it suddenly hit me like a energy blast to the face could (Y/N) like me too!? Maybe that's why she acts like the way she does! Then I just remembered all the times she flat out told me she loved me and I mentally groaned at how unbelievably dumb I am I had to say something before I possibly lose (Y/N) to a Angel forever.


Since dancing with realized Whis really is a sweet guy and he is kinda cute but my heart belongs to Tien but I don't know how much I can keep getting rejected before I get the hint and so I decided if this plan doesn't work I could maybe move on with the help of Whis. Suddenly Whis's voice breaks me out of my thoughts "Look lady (Y/N) poor Tien seems to be sulking" true to his word Tien did look upset like he's going through a midlife crisis. Soon Tien bursts out of his chair knocking it back and strides over to me and Whis startling everyone so all eyes were on us, me and Whis broke apart and our attention was on Tien. "(Y/N) I-I now know what you've been trying to tell me for so long I've just been to blind to see it" I heard murmuring around us "no duh" "dude seriously" "FINALLY" Tien continued "I love you and I'm so sorry it took me so long to realize it" I couldn't bring my self to react I was in shock by what he was saying but my heart was beating out of my chest, he pulled me into his arms and kissed me with so much passion and emotion it made my heart burst with joy and love for this man who is an absolute himbo. I responded very quickly and put my arms around his neck and pulled him closer I could faintly hear clapping around us but I could care less because the love of my life finally loved me back.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2022 ⏰

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