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"Get your dirty hands off me you filthy pig!" Shannon slapped the drunk across the face. A smirk appeared on his face.
"You little ! You dare slap me?!?!" his right palm meeting her right cheek. One of the guards came rushing into the room and dragged the young man out of the room while the other shushed the crowd away.
"Are you okay sweetie?" one of the waitresses asked.
"I'm fine." Shannon replied while fixing her dress.
All this was nothing new to her considering she's made her living as a server for almost 5 years. Even though the job was demeaning the pay was good. Well good enough to put a roof over her head and food on the table. Another server came up to Shannon.
"Boss wants to see you." she informed Hana. Hana made her way to the top floor were her boss' office was located.
"That slapped me!" Shannon could hear the voice of the young man who groped her earlier. She took a bug breath and walked into the room. Mr. Hwang sent a glare Shannon's way.
" I'm very sorry. I'll take care of it and see to it that it will never happen again." the young man got up from his seat and left the room but not before sending a grin towards Shannon.
"Here's your pay for this month. I'm letting you go." the boss handed a envelope to her.
"But sir."
"This is the 9th time you assaulted a customer. I can't keep you anymore. Its not good for business." the boss cut Shannon off. Shannon knew he was being serious. Without a word she bowed and left the room.
Shannon was sitting at the bus stop when her phone rang.
"Omma?" she answered.
"Honey what are we going to do? There are strange men digging through our house." the mother uttered in terror.
"What! Are you okay? I'm coming right now." Shannon got up and signaled for a taxi.
"Omma stay on the phone with me okay? What are they doing? Are they taking things?" Shannon asked.
"They're---" the phone call got cut off.
"Omma!??" Shannon was terrified that the worse had happened. When the taxi stopped Hana paid the fare as dashed to the tiny apartment her and her mother lived in. Everything was a total mess. Furniture turnt over, clothing scattered throughout the floor.
"Omma!" Shannon called out for her mother. From the bathroom to the bedroom, Shannon searched all the rooms but there were no sign of her mother. A knock came at the door. Shannon opened the door and saw to men dressed in suits staring at her.
"Lee Shannon?" one of them asked. Shannon stared at them thinking if she should answer.
" If you want to see your mother please follow us." Shannon's eyes widened. This could be nothing but a trick but she was willing to take the risk. Hana reluctantly followed the men into their car. After a short drive they arrived at a old abandoned warehouse along the pier. The two men led her inside. There her mother was tied to a chair.
"Omma!" Shannon rushed to her mother's side.
" So Lee Junsu and you have a daughter eh?" a voice came from behind the shadows.
"Let her go!" Hana demanded.
The voice behind the shadow emerged. An old man dressed in expensive attire walked up to Shannon.
"She looks good." the man eyed Hana from head to toe. Shannon was still dressed in her mini black dress that hugged her body snuggly and a cream coat.
"Your father left your mother as collateral for the 2 million he borrowed from me. If you find a way to pay me back I'll let her go." the man walked away from Shannon.
"Appa..." Shannon mumbled under her breath. A guard walked up to the old man and whispered some things to him. The old man look towards Hana.
"I have a proposal. One that will let your mother live." the man told her. Shannon looked at her mother.
"No sweetie. Just leave I'll be fine." the mother pleaded with her daughter.
"I'll let her go right now and you'll be clear of the debt if you agree to it." the man informed her.
"Fine, I'll do whatever you want just let her go." Shannon gave in for the sake of her mother. The man signaled the guards to release her mother.
"Let me send my mother home first." Shannon demanded. The old man had his guards send Shannon and her mother to their apartment.
"Sweetie." her mother held onto her.
"Omma, I'll be fine. Here take this and go home. I'll follow after I deal with this situation okay?" Shannon gave her mother the money she received earlier and an assuring hug.
"Omma trust me okay?" Hana cut her mother off. Shannon gave her mother another hug before getting back inside the car. She sat in the car without look back. She didn't know what she was getting herself into but if this meant safety for her mother it didn't matter. Hana expected to end up at the warehouse but instead the car pulled up to a hotel.
"Miss we are here." the guard informed her. Shannon got out of the car and followed the men up to a suit. The doors opened and Shannon reluctantly stepped into the room. The same old man was sitting on the chair an enveloped laid and the table.
"Sit." he signaled her. Shannon sat on the chair across from the man. He pushed the envelope towards her.
"Sign these papers." he order. She opened the envelope and read the paper. It was a contract. A slave contract to be exact.
"This is--"
"I have people on stand by right now. The moment you reject this offer you'll never see your mother ever again." the man cut Shannon off.
She didn't know what to do. After some hesitation Shannon signed the paper.
"Good! You'll start tonight. Get undressed." the man stood up from his seat.

Edited by: polarstar
(Credit) - "meeska"

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