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"Woah there." Lay rushed towards Hana when he realized she had a knife in her hand. Xiumin and Suho too rushed to help. Xiumin managed to grab the knife while Suho and Lay made sure Hana was okay.
"Let me go. I'm gonna kill that ! Then I'm going to chop that manwhore's balls off!" Hana shouted angry.
"Holy ! Did she just say that?" Kris asked hearing Hana's cursing.
"Manwhore huh? Never knew noona had it in her." Sehun smirked.
"I told you she was feisty." Kai nudged him.
"Let her go. I wanna see what happens next." Baekhyun shouted while still lying on the ground.
"Are you guys going to just sit there?" Suho asked.
"Sorry but we're a bit too blehh to help. Plus Luhan hyung deserves it." Chen replied.
"Hana! Look at me. I'm Lay." Lay tried to get Hana back to her senses. Hana looked up and saw Lay. Her first instinct was to hug him so she could cry.
"Oop. Okay. It's okay." Lay wrapped his arms around her and rubbed her back.
"I say the Prego mood swings are kicking in." Kris said to Chanyeol who nodded.
"Remind me to always use protection." Chanyeol said back to Kris.
"Guys lets clean up." Xiumin ordered and the younger ones followed.
"Why don't we get you in bed hmm?" Lay asked still stuck in the same position with Hana. She nodded into his chest but didn't release her grip around him so Lay was forced to waddle to Hana's room with her still wrapped around him. After 30 minutes Lay and Tao managed to get Hana to stop crying and fall asleep. Looking at the time I was only 11:30pm. The guys were finishing up any necessary cleaning.
"This guy is so stupid." Kris picked up Hana's phone.
"Should we play around a little?" Chen asked with a mischievous grin. The two took a selfie and sent it to Luhan with a message that read 'Yah. Oh Sehun. You're missing out. Hana is making her delicious hot pepper stew for us.' The two high fives each other satisfied with their little plan to make Luhan jealous.
"What are you guys doing?" Kai asked.
"We're taking silly photos to cheer Hana up when she wakes up." Chen lied.
"Me too!" Kai joined the duo. Soon after they were trying to fit 11 faces on a tiny screen. 160 photos later the front door opened. James walked in to see the living room filled with guys.
"Hey." He greeted casually.
"Hello hyung." They all greeted.
"Thanks for keep Hana company." James thanked them.
"No problem. It was fun." Suho replied.
"We should go now. It's getting late." Everyone left after James came home. While fixing the pillows James noticed Hana's screensaver. It was a slideshow by the 11 guys with silly notes written on them.
"Looks like I have 11 other brothers to fight with to be the best one." He signed then chuckled. At first he was hesitant about these boys but after getting to know them he really liked them. They weren't the average rich guys who had no empathy for others and used their money to get everything they wanted. They were just normal guys who happens to be rich.
Luhan woke up to a loud pounding sound. He groaned when someone pushed the curtains open and the light hit his face.
"Oh boy it's a full house this morning!" Sehun's voice ran throughout the place.
"Dude! It's my turn!" D.O and Baekhyun fought over the drum set for Guitar Hero. Everyone was cladded in pajamas as they had planned to wake Luhan up in the most annoying way in order to seek revenge for making Hana cry.
"Garbage pile!" Xiumin shouted before jumping onto Luhan who was covering his ears with his pillows. One by one they all piled on top of Luhan.
"Get Off of my bed!" Luhan's scream was muffled by the pillow.
"Ugh. This isn't fun anymore. I'm hungry lets go eat." Tao squeezed out of the pile and left the room. Soon the others followed leaving Luhan alone in his messy bed.
"Just breathe Han. Just breathe." He kept telling himself. Chen popped his head into the room.
"Oh. Hyung. Kris hyung and I kinda sent you the wrong message last night. Please ignore it." He informed Luhan. Luhan raised a hand signaling he was listening. He sat up and ruffled his bed hair before leaning over to grab his phone off the nightstand. Opening it he didn't see any messages from Chen or Kris but one from Hana.
"What's this?" Luhan was reluctant to open the message thread but did so out of curiosity.
"Yah. Oh Sehun. You're missing out. Hana is making her delicious hot pepper stew for us?" Luhan could sense jealousy within him.
"Hot pepper stew? You won't even have a meal with me but you're cooking for these guys?" He said out loud. Getting out from his bed he walked out and over to Kris and Chen who were sitting on the couch watching the game.
"What's this?" He asked angry.
"I told you we sent you a wrong message. It was meant for Sehun. Apparently Sehun's number wasn't saved as Jerkface." Chen replied.
"Hey." Sehun whined hearing the comment Chen made.
"Why is it from Hana's number then?"
"Oh. Well we had dinner there last night." Suho answered.
"Yeah. You didn't know?" Baekhyun played along perfectly.
"Xiumin?" Luhan turned to the older one.
"What?" Xiumin played oblivious.
"Oh. The eating dinner part? Yeh. We were all there. Sehun came a bit late but yeh."
"We would have asked you to join but we already know that you wouldn't since you're trying to keep your distance." Chanyeol said engrossed in the game he was playing.
"Does bro-code not mean anything anymore?" Luhan whined walking back into his room.
"Hyung don't bro-code us! Noona cooks really good food. I'm not gonna give her up because of bro-code." Sehun retorted.
"I don't think he even knows how tasty noona's food is." Kai whispered.
Luhan finished washing up and got dressed. Everyone else was out of their sleeping attire and into more presentable ones.
"Here. Eat." D.O place a bowl of soup towards Luhan.
"Oh! Hana!" Lay purposely talked louder than normal so Luhan could hear.
"Let me ask them. They're right here." Lay continued.
"Hey Hana wants to know if we can help her with some things." He asked everyone.
"Sure. I'm free all day." Suho agreed.
"Me too." Lay and Xiumin said simultaneously.
"I have a meeting today."
"My mom wants me to go shopping with her."
"Gotta work."
"Hana? Xiumin hyung, Suho and I will be there shortly." Lay told Hana. After saying their goodbyes he hung up.
"I've only been gone for two months and they're all friends all the sudden." Luhan mumbled
"What's that?" Xiumin asked hearing what Luhan said clearly.
"Nothing." Luhan said with a hint of jealousy.
Hana was in the bathroom vomiting when James came to the door and knocked on it.
"Lay, Suho and Xiumin are here." James told her through the door.
"What are you guys doing here?" James asked while getting ready for work.
"Do happen to know where Hana stores all her high heels?" Lay asked.
"Shoe closet." James pointed to the door in the hallway. Whipping out a roll of tape Lay dragged the big brown box he had and headed to the shoe closet.
"There's these 6 inch stilettos on the 3rd shelf. Make sure you hide those well." James informed Lay knowing what the guy had in mind and he was absolutely for the idea. Hana walked out of the bathroom after cleaning herself up.
"Did you guys eat yet?" Was the first question she asked.
"Yep. So what shall we help you with?" Suho asked.
"I need someone to move the fridge so I can...clean it...Lay?" Hana caught Lay from the corner of her eyes.
"Hi." Lay greeted cheerfully wrapping a shoe box with the roll of tape.
"What are you doing with my shoes?"
"I see you're doing something..."
"Nope...I'm just lounging around."
"Go Lay!" James rooted Lay's "sly" lies.
"Don't be so hard on him. I would have done it if they didn't." James kissed her on the forehead before heading off the work.
"Stay safe hyung." Lay bowed to James as he walked past him to get to the door.
"She has some high wedged boots too. Don't forget those." James whispered to Lay before leaving. Seeing Lay so proud of his work Hana didn't have the heart to tell him to stop so she let him continue what he was doing.
It took some strength to move the fridge so Hana could clean the floor but Suho and Xiumin were glad they were the ones doing it and not Hana.
Luhan was sitting at his desk staring at his phone. Thinking about what his mother had told him he really wanted to call Hana.
"Ugh! Why is there absolutely nothing to do today?" He groaned. He had kept himself so busy that he finished everything he needed to do. Now he had more time than ever to miss her. Opening a new message thread he wanted to text Hana.
"What are you doing?" He typed. Shaking his head he erased the message.
"Can we talk?" His finger found its way back to the delete button.
"I miss you." His finger hovered back to the delete button but accidentally pressed the send button.
"Crap!" His eyes shot open when he realized the message was sent. A little bar notified him that the message was being read. His hear began pounding seeing another notification saying a reply was being typed. A photo popped up. It was of Lay, Suho and Xiumin.
"Me too OPPA?" He read the message attached to the photo.
Lay couldn't help but laugh at the joke they played in Luhan. Hana was busy putting groceries back into the fridge after she cleaned the kitchen and had no idea what the guys were doing.
"He's gonna throw a fit later." Xiumin continued stacking Hana's shoes on the lower shelves for easy reach.
"I'm fine with it." Lay placed Hana's phone back onto the couch.
Luhan wanted to storm into Hana's place and do all sorts of things to her.
"What's a married woman doing letting her brother in laws mess around with her things." He was angry but more so jealous.
"That's it." Luhan had made his mind. He wasn't going to just stand by and watch his wife get close with his brothers.
"Don't worry. I'll keep these safe." Lay told Hana as he carried a box filled with heels.
"Are you sure you'll be okay alone?" Suho asked.
"We can stay until James hyung comes home." Xiumin offered.
"I'll be fine. Thank you guys for helping." Hana assured the three.
"Okay. Call if you need anything." Lay bowed.
It was only 6 and Hana was busy with her portfolio when the doorbell rang.
"Who is it?" She spoke into the intercom.
"Delivery!" A man's voice replied. The man held a box in front if the camera. Hana thought nothing of it and went to the door to open it.
"Just set it here." Hana led the man to the hallway.
"I'm home honey." The man placed the box on the floor.
"A--appa." Hana was shocked to see her father. More men came filing through the front door. Seeing them from the corner Hana began to back away.
"W--what are you doing here?" She stumbled around with her words sensing her father was here with bad intentions. Grabbing her phone from her back pocket she randomly pressed buttons hoping to call anyone.
"Honey. Appa needs some help." Her father inched closer to her.
"Is your mother home?" He asked glancing around.
"Is something wrong?" Hana asked.
"Appa needs you to come along for a ride hmm?" He reached his hands out to grab her.
"So this is your daughter huh?" A man dressed in a gaudy suit walked in.
"Pretty. She should be worth enough to cover your debt." The man explored Hana from head to toe with his eyes.
"Appa. What did you do?" Hana feared the worst. Not only was she alone but she was pregnant. Any plans to escape may hurt the baby and she didn't want that.
Luhan pulled up to Hana's apartment and saw two black cars with men guarding them. Grabbing his phone he called Hana sensing something was wrong.
"Don't touch me!" Hana's voice cut Luhan off. Taking the seatbelt off he got out of his car and calmly entered the building making sure not to alarm the guards guarding the car.
"I'm almost there. Wait for me." Luhan pretended to be on his phone.
When he got into the elevator he quickly called the police.
James was sitting in his office when Minho came in.
"Hyung. You have to go home. A call came in saying there are strange men in your house." James immediate grabbed his coat and rushed out.
Hana was being pinned to the wall as her father watched with a grin on his face...

Edited by: Polarstars
(Credit) messka

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