The Party

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Some main characters


Ranboo (Eli)



Tubbo (Toby)

Pronouns-she/her (lmk if im wrong about her pronouns)

2nd person POV i think?

y/n's thoughts are in italic like this btw

you sat there, watching your cousin hang out with his friends. you got bored of watching them so you decided to go in your phone. you saw that Ranboo tweeted "help i'm at a party and it's so awkward" you like it, then put your phone down. you look up and see someone leaning on the back of the couch you were sitting on, looking at you. he is so tall. like at least 6'2. "hey i'm Eli, your a Ranboo fan?" he says to you. his voice is oddly familiar. you brush it off as nothing. "Hey i'm y/n and yeah i am, why?" you ask. "oh I've seen some of his content and he seems cool" he syas back. hes kinda cute. "oh yeah he's funny i really like his content" you say looking up at Eli. he's just standing there, invite him to sit. "you wanna sit? also i think i remember seeing you with my cousin before. i'm guessing that's why your here, because your friends with him?" you ask. "oh yeah i'm friends with him. it's kind of awkward right now though because i haven't met any of his other friends before" he says playing with his ring. you can relate to that because most of your friends dropped you. making new friends is so difficult that you ended up giving up on trying to make friends. currently your best friend is your cousin (who's party you're at). "hello? y/n?" he brings your attention back to the conversation. "oh sorry i zoned out. but yeah that makes sense. you seem like his closest friend out of all of them though." you continue your conversation with Eli until he has to leave. "hey y/n? can i have your number by any chance?" he asks. "yeah sure its | | |-| | |-| | | |" you tell him. he smiles and says "okay!" his smile is so cute omfg. NO YOU ARE NOT SIMPING FOR HIM. HE IS YOUR COUSINS BESTFRIEND. you hear your cousin Tommy. "heyy y/n" he says. "heyy" you say back. "i saw you flirting with Eliii" you blush. "i was not flirting. i swear. we were simply having a conversation while you ignored us" he scoffs "i was not ignoring you guys. y'all could have joined our conversation you just chose not to." *ping* you get a twitter notification from Ranboo. "OMG GUYS I MET A CUTE PERSON AT THE PARTY AND I GOT THEIR NUMBER AHHH" all the comments read "who?!" "OMG AHH IM SO HAPPY FOR YOU" "OOH WHO IS IT" stuff like that. you like the post then go back to your conversation with Tommy. "true but y'all were so loud so i didn't want to and Eli said he doesn't really know any of the other people you invited so" you hear your mom calling "y/n! it's time to go! say goodbye to your cousin!!" damn. i wanted to keep talking to him. oh well. "okay mom lemme say bye! okay that kinda sucks i gotta go but bye!" you say "yeah it does suck i wanted to tell you how PERFECT YOU AND ELI ARE FOR EACH OTHER" "OH SHUT UP" you can feel your cheeks heating up with a pinkish blush. "HAH YOU LIKE HIM. YOUR BLUSHING!!" "I HAVE NO CLUE WHAT YOUR TALKING ABOUT! BYEE!" you yell as your leaving. later that day you get a twitch notification saying Ranboo went live. you were already streaming and playing Minecraft so you couldn't watch it. you get a raid notification "yo thank you- Ranboo?! YO THANK YOU RANBOO FOR THE RAID" you were freaking out. Ranboo himself just raided you. After you ended stream you get a text.


Eli :)
Hey! Its Eli!

y/n :0
Oh hey!

Eli :)
Do you have any social media's?

y/n :0
all of them  are y/u/n
do you have any? If so what are they?

Eli :)
I can't tell you yet :)

y/n :0
what? why nottt

Eli :)
just because :]. Goodnight y/n!

y/n :0
fine. Goodnight Eli :D

Oh. my. god. AH HE JUST SAID GOODNIGHT. You went to bed really happy that night.

Eli's POV

his thoughts are bold and italic like this btw

i tweet about how awkward this party is. it's for my bestfriend but i don't really know anyone. "help i'm at a party and its so awkward" i write. i look up from my phone and i see a person sitting on the couch next to my bestfriend Tommy. i walk over and stand behind them, leaning on the back of the couch and i see them get a notification that says "Ranboo tweeted" they click on it and it's the post i just made. they like it then put their phone down and looks up at me. "hey i'm Eli, your a Ranboo fan?" i ask them. "Hi i'm y/n and yeah i am, why?" y/n. that's such a nice name. it fits them though. they seem nice. "oh i've seen some of his content and he seems cool" i say not wanting them to know that Ranboo is well, me. "oh yeah he's funny i really like his content" i love their voice. "you wanna sit? also i think i remember seeing you with my cousin before. i'm guessing that's why your here, because your friends with him?" they ask. "oh yeah i'm friends with him. it's kind of awkward right now though because i haven't met any of his other friends before". i say. they don't respond. i think their zoning out. their picking at their nails pretty bad. "hello? y/n?" i say, kind of worried. they refocuse on me "oh sorry i zoned out. but yeah that makes sense. you seem like his closest friend out of all of them though." they say. we continue talking about Tommy and Ranboo. well i guess you could say me. when i have to leave i say "hey y/n? can i have your number by any chance?" they respond with "yeah sure its | | |-| | |-| | | |" GOD THEY ARE SO PRETTY. NO. YOU CANT LIKE THEM. THEIR MY BESTFRIENDS COUSIN. WHAT AM I THINKING? I smile and say "okay!" they smile back. I love their smile. once i get back into my car i tweet "OMG GUYS I MET A CUTE PERSON AT THE PARTY AND GOT THEIR NUMBER AHHH" there are lots of comments asking who they are. one stands out which was sent around 30 minutes after i posted it. y/u/n: YO I WAS AT A BIRTHDAY PARTY AND MET A CUTE GUY AH!! HE ASKED ME FOR MY NUMBER OMG. I like the tweet and say "YO GOOD LUCK" even though i'm like 80% sure their talking about me. they just don't know it. i am so happy. they think i'm cute. later that day i go live just to chat. "YO WHO'S THE PERSON?" a lot of the comments say. "Guys i can't tell you." i continue answering questions and after around 2 hours of chatting I decide to end stream and raid someone. "guys lets raidd, y/u/n." I know that's their account because I can see their face. THEIR SO ATTRACTIVE OMG. "Okay bye guys!! go watch them! their content is pretty similar to mine. bye guys! byeee!" I end stream and start watching them. "yo raid? thank you- Ranboo?! RANBOO THANK YOU FOR THE RAID" they smile. once their stream is over I text them.


Eli :)
Hey! Its Eli!

y/n :0
Oh hey!

Eli :)
Do you have any social media's?

y/n :0
all of them are y/u/n
do you have any? If so what are they?

Eli :)
I can't tell you yet :)

y/n :0
what? why nottt

Eli :)
just because :]. Goodnight y/n!

y/n :0
fine. Goodnight Eli :D

Dude. first off I wanna tell them my socials so bad but i need to make an alt so it has my name in it or something. second I DIDN'T MEAN TO SAY GOODNIGHT I JUST MEANT TO SAY NIGHT BUT THEY SAID IT BACK AHHH!! I went to bed really really happy.



This is my first fanfic and its kind of odd but yk.


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