The Beach

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Y/n's POV

I get up and get ready to go to Tommy's house. I do my normal routine, shower get dressed, put on a little makeup, and eat.

I put on my outfit and wear the same kind of makeup as yesterday and I leave. When I get to Tommy's house I just walk in and I see the guys in bathing suits? "Why are y'all in bathing suits right now." I ask. "Oh i forgot to tell you. we are going to the beach!! My friend Niki is also going, she's 16 like Wil. do you need to go back to your house to get your stuff?" Tommy says. "um, sure. yeah i'll be back with my stuff for the beach." I run back to my house freaking out. I feel like I can't breath. i hate going to the beach. I hate wearing bathing suits. god why do I look so bad. i hate my body. it starts to get harder to breath. I feel myself shaking. I get a call from Tommy. "y/n? you still changing? its been like 20 minutes... are you okay?" he asks. I feel dizzy. "Tommy-" is all I can get out before my vision is blurry. my hearing fades and all I can hear is ringing and Tommy. but hes quiet. "Y/N? Y/N ARE YOU OKAY?? WE'RE COMING OVER RIGHT NOW." I'm sitting there. I can't say anything. I'm shaking. I hear the door burst open. then I feel a pair of arms around me. I start to come back to reality. "y/n? y/n are you okay?" It's Eli. My cheeks heat up again. "Eli? Tommy? Wil? Tubbo?" I say. still feeling a bit dizzy. I'm handed a glass of water, and I take a sip. "y/n are you okay? you had a panic attack." I hear Tommy say. "yeah I'm okay now. thank you for coming over." I say. "we don't have to go to the beach if you don't want. I can invite Niki to my house and we can just hang out!" He's so understanding of the situation. "No its okay. we can go to the beach. as long as you guys promise not to mention anything about my body or each others bodies okay?" I make them promise. "We would never say anything about anyone's body."Wil says. "yeah that is so fucked up that anyone would ever do that." Tubbo says. the only one that knew about my old friend group was Tommy. they would always compare weights and talk about the diets they were on and would call me fat behind my back. I found out by overhearing them in class one day. when I tried to bring it up they said that they would never do that, then called me toxic and dropped me. I already had anxiety and body image issues but from then on they just worsened. I stopped going out at all and would only hang out with Tommy. I didn't want to end up in the same situation with my new friends. I calmed down and got ready. Wil was driving, Tommy was in the passenger seat, and I was in the back between Tubbo and Eli. I started picking at my skin. one of the really bad habits I have. Eli noticed and took my hand. I was stunned. I felt myself blushing again. AHHH I REALLY HOPE HE LIKES ME. he starts to make a circular motion on the back of my hand with his thumb. He gives me his other hand to play with his rings. when we get there I take a deep breath. Eli whispers "its gonna be fine, don't worry" and he smiles. GOD I LOVE HIS SMILE SO MUCH. he grabs my hand again and I step out of the car. "ew, TUBS? WIL? HELP THE LOVEBIRDS ARE BEING AFFECTIONATE AND HOLDING HANDS" Tommy says. We look at each other and we are both blushing. maybe he does like me. "oh shut up Tommy" I say with a small smile on my face. I hear Wil yell "HI NIKIII" I then hear a a girl with an accent say "HI TOMMY!! HI TUBBO!! HI WILBY!! HI RA- I MEAN ELI!!" ra- what? what was she gonna say? she wasn't gonna say ranboo was she? I now knew that Tommy was a streamer even though he still hasn't said anything about it, but Eli? He doesn't seem like the type to stream. "ELI WHO'S THE PERSON~" I hear niki say in her German accent. "that's my cousin y/n. ew they're being all affectionate again" Tommy says, pretending to be grossed out. "Oh hi y/n! its nice to meet you! I love your name!" she says, a grin from ear to ear on her face. "Yeah it's nice to hang out with a girl instead of just a bunch of guys. they're so annoying to be honest. I love your name too!! guys Niki is my favorite out of all of you." I say to everyone. she forms a heart with her hand and I complete the other half of the heart. "wowww even more than your own cousin? so mean" he acts super offended and dramatically falls on the ground "whatever shall I do?" he says, still on the ground. we walk to the beach and the guys drop their stuff and immediately jump in the water while Niki and I set up our stuff and talk. we watch the guys tackle each other and splash each other. we see Wil whisper something to Eli and they both run over to us. Me and Niki are small in comparison to the two giants standing in front of us. They pick Niki and I up, bridal style and run over to the water "NO PUT US DOWN!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" they toss us into the water. "HEY WHAT WAS THAT FOR?!" Niki says to them. they are standing there, laughing hysterically at us. Niki then tackled Wil into the water. I was now staring Eli down, about to do the same as Niki, when I feel something grab my ankles and pull me under the water. when I get my head back above the water I realize it was Tommy that pulled me under. "OH COME HERE YOU LITTLE SHIT" I yell, chasing after him. "AHHH GET AWAY FROM ME GREMLIN!!" I tackle him into the water. "WHAT THE HELL MAN?" he says. I sneak up behind Eli and jumped on his back, leaning backwards which caused us both to fall into the water. "OH NO YOU DID NOT. COME HERE YOU MIDGET" He yells when we both get above the water again. " YOU CAN'T CATCH ME ENDERBOY" I yell back, running away from him. he caught up. he tackled me but at that point we were close enough to the shore that my head didn't go under the water. we were both laughing hysterically as he stood up and gave me a hand to help me up. we were at the beach for about an hour and a half. We all went back to Tommy's house. we got inside and since we all brought clothes, we all just brushed our hair, then we hung out in the living room, on our phones. We decided to go to the park. It was like 9:00 and Tubbo says "guys I think we should head back to Tommy's house. Its getting late." He looks Tired. "Yo we should have a sleepover tonight! Niki, you can sleep in another room or something if it makes you uncomfortable?" Tommy says. "Ya know I still have my little room in your house Tommy? Niki can sleep there!" I say. "but y/n i wanna talk to youuu! you're my favoriteeee!" niki says with puppy dog eyes. "fine ill stay in my little room with niki. also do we have to leave? i don't want to!" hoping that they will stay for a little longer. "okay then it's settled! we're having a sleepover! also It is getting late, let's head back." he says "I think me and Y/n are gonna stay here for a bit longer." Eli says. "Fine, but no funny business okay? I'll kill you Eli. (Joke obv Tommy doesn't condone murder)" he says, with a serious look on his face. "Okay, okay, no funny business, got it."Eli said throwing his hands up in defense. "you better be back by 11 or we'll come back and find you guys." Tommy says, trying to intimidate Eli i think. "okay we will be back by 11. go back, y'all seem tired." Eli says. "Tommy you act like we are going on a date!" I say "well this kind of seems like a date to me, what about y'all? doesn't this seem like a date?" Tommy asks. they all agree it seems like a date then they leave. We walk around for a little longer, then I see the swings. "C'mon!! there's swings!! he laughs and I sit on the swing and he starts pushing me. Once i'm high enough up, I jump off the swing and land. then as I was walking back over to him I tripped and he caught me. "s sorry, I-" he cuts me off "it's okay, you didn't mean to fall did you?" he says, smiling at me. "well no I obviously didn't MEAN to" I say, a little embarrassed. "well then it's not that big of a deal" he says. GOD HE IS SO CUTE. we laugh it off a bit and decide to go to the local convenience store. "Dude are you gonna get anything?" he asks me. "No I didn't bring my money" I tell him. "Bruh i'm paying, go get stuff" he tells me. "No, it's fine"

"go get at least 3 things."



"fine" I go get an energy drink, some candy, and a bag of chips

"thank you" he says. "now give them to me so I can pay for them.

"fine. thank you for the snacks"

We go back to the park and sit on a bench and share our snacks. we got more for the others for when we get back. I check my phone. "Oh shit we gotta go its 10:55!" I tell Eli. "oh shit your right let's go!" we shovel all of our stuff into the bag and run back to the house. we walk into the door at 10:59 with the snacks. "WHERE WERE YOU GUYS?!" Tommy asks. "sorry we lost track of time" Eli said, guilty. "It's okay, y'all had me worried, I'm just glad you're back." Tommy said, relieved. "Hey we brought snacks though" I told him, watching everyone's face light up. we sat down and everyone was already watching "The Half Of It" which obviously Niki requested because she thinks the main characters are pretty. we sat down with our snacks and watched it. me and Niki went to bed in my room and the boys went to bed in Tommy's room. I couldn't sleep so I went downstairs to get a glass of water. I walked downstairs quietly and I saw Tommy. "hey what are you doing up?" he asks, concerned because it was currently 2:00am. I could ask you the same thing tommyinit" i said with a smile. "do not call me that." he was annoyed. "oh whatever do you mean tommyinnit?" i laughed because he seemed so annoyed. "STOP I SWEAR IT'S NOT FUNNY" he whisper-yelled. "its so funny though!! when were you gonna tell me you stream and average like 50k viewers per stream?" i questioned. " I wasn't. I went an entire year without you finding out. how the hell did you find my account?"

"basically after we hung out I went on twitch before going to bed to see if Ranboo was live, but he wasn't. so I looked at my recommended channels and i saw "Tommyinnit-just chatting" or something like that. i clicked on it and recognized the voice, then looked at the facecam and saw you."

"oh well ye-"

"wait. does that mean you know Ranboo, jack, Wilbur, Tubbo? wait TOBY IS TUBBO ISN'T HE?! AND WIL IS WILBUR TOO?!"

"um, im gonna go to bed, talk to you and the others in the morning!"

"You didn't answer my question!"

"Night y/n!!"

"fine. night Tommy!"


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