Chapter 12: Escape Artist

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Outside June's mansion. Sunday evening. February 22, 2004.

Hanging by his fingertips from the fire escape that led down from his terrace, Neal jumped, taking care to land on a patch of grass that muted the sound of his feet hitting the ground. The guitar case bumped against his back. He could hear his aunt's voice. He couldn't make out the words, but Noelle seemed to be saying goodbye to the Burkes and then hailed a cab.

Neal could have sworn Peter saw him. He slipped deeper into the shadows, half expecting the FBI agent wouldn't be able to resist investigating. But the man put an arm around Elizabeth's shoulders and walked in the other direction.

Instead of appreciating the chance to make a getaway, Neal couldn't stop thinking about the show of trust Peter had made. Maybe it was time to return the favor.

"Peter!" Neal called out, running after the couple. They paused and turned to face him. "Are you driving back to Brooklyn?" he asked them.

Peter nodded. "I'm parked a couple of blocks away. Do you need a ride?"

"If you don't mind. It's on your way."

"C'mon," Peter said. As he resumed walking Peter confirmed Neal's suspicion that the agent had seen him climb down the side of the building. "Why the dramatic exit?"

"Leaving with a guitar would gather a lot of attention, especially from that crowd. A lot of Byron's old friends are into music. I don't have a lot of time, didn't want to get into a lot of explanations, and..." He shrugged rather than continue.

"You want to stay in practice," Peter supplied.

"The FBI hired me for my skills," Neal countered. "And I want to keep my winning record for Tuesday Tails."

Peter explained to El the team's custom of tailing Neal over the lunch hour on Tuesdays to refine their skills. He wrapped up as they got settled into the car and he started the engine. "Where to?" he asked.

Neal supplied an address and added, "Theo Guy's recording studio. Michael Darling's in town and he asked me to meet them there for a rehearsal." Michael Darling, music professor, composer and former member of alternate rock group Local Devastation, had needed the FBI's help right after Peter had offered Neal the immunity deal. Working that case had convinced Neal that he could make the transition to Peter's side of the law. In gratitude, Michael had invited Neal to join an upcoming recording session where Local Devastation lead singer Ty Merchant would try out some of Michael's songs for a new solo album, to be produced by their old group's lead guitarist, Theo Guy. The chance to hang out with idols of Neal's teen years had been too tempting to pass up. He'd been counting the days until this session since early December. Glancing at the rear view mirror, Neal saw Peter's indulgent smile and realized he'd been rambling in response to a question from Elizabeth about how he'd gotten the chance to hang out with rock legends. "I know the timing's bad, with Byron. That's part of the reason I bypassed the front entrance, rather than strolling down the stairs and announcing I'm on my way to do something purely fun."

"I think the timing's perfect," said Elizabeth. "You need some fun right now. Don't feel guilty that something good is happening to you."

"Noelle said avoidance is bad," Neal argued.

"And so is wallowing," she said. "Don't ignore your sorrow, but don't let it take over your life either. Try to find a balance."

"Here we are," said Peter as he stopped the car at the address Neal had given. Neal had gone by the location previously to check it out, and knew it was a nondescript building in a nondescript block. It was what was inside, who was inside, that made it special. "Nervous?" Peter asked as Neal kept staring at the building from the back seat.

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