Chapter 32: Nothing Else Matters

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Wednesday morning. March 3, 2004.

Henry entered the hotel lobby at a run, dashing toward the elevators. He didn't notice Sara Ellis sitting in the lobby, but she called his name and ran after him. He pushed the up button and forgoing his usual finesse with the people who worked for him he asked, "Aren't you supposed to be on vacation? What are you doing here?"

She seemed surprised at his abrupt tone, but rallied quickly. "The team's worried. We expected you back at work on Monday."

The ding of the elevator had Henry moving. "I am working. Allen Winston has a special project I'm helping with." He entered the elevator and pressed the button for his floor.

Sara followed him into the elevator. "Then tell us. You need to stay in touch. There are rumors going around and someone needs to deal with them."

"I can't tell anyone. It's top secret. Just..." He ran his hands through his hair, impatient to get to Neal. "Just tell them everything's all right and I'll be back as soon as I can."

"That isn't going to help," Sara insisted. "The rumors are that you're in some kind of trouble, and you won't come back because you're either banned by the board, or you're running away again."

"Who's spreading that kind of story?" Henry asked as the elevator stopped on his floor. He strode toward the suite at a rapid pace, but Sara kept up.

"I don't know, but it's all over the office."

Henry unlocked the door and stepped inside, looking for Neal. He was at the far end of the suite, on the sofa, playing the guitar. In the rush of relief, Sara's words sunk in and Henry paused just inside the suite. "What do you mean, run away again?"

"According to the rumors, you ran away twice already. Once at seventeen, and then again at twenty."

This was bad. Sara's older sister had been a runaway, and that was a hot button for her. Not only was someone spreading rumors, but these rumors were crafted to demoralize his team. "That's seriously twisting the truth. Yes, I left home at seventeen. To go to college. And then at twenty I dropped out of college for a while, but I stayed in contact with my parents."

Jones had walked over toward them. "I should get back to the office, back to something I know how to handle. No offense, but this is freaking me out. You good with it?"

"Yeah," Henry said. "Did he give you any trouble?"

"He was fine as long as he had the guitar. Keeps playing the same song, over and over. Hasn't said a word since we got here."

"Thanks. I'll take care of him." Henry walked across the room and sat on the ottoman in front of Neal as Jones left. "Neal? You okay?"

Neal kept playing the song.

"Neal, talk to me. What's going on in that head of yours? You hate that song."

"Because it always works. It isn't working this time." He sounded distant, his words slurring.

Henry checked his watch. His mother should be here any minute, thank God, because it felt like his world was crashing around him. Neal really needed a professional.

Sara walked over. "Can I help with anything? I've never seen you look so... discombobulated."

"I... Give me a moment." He turned back to Neal. "You remember the lyrics, right?"

That got a reaction. Neal's look of disdain was encouraging. This was the Neal that Henry was used to bantering with.

"Right. Try singing it. See if that helps." Henry stood up and motioned for Sara to follow as he walked over to the bar to pour himself a glass of ginger ale.

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