Chapter 20: The Waiting

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A/N: I rearranged the layout of Jacobi Hospital to fit the needs of this story.

Jacobi Hospital. Thursday afternoon. February 26, 2004.

Looking around him, Peter recalled one of his classes at Quantico. The instructor had said that a mediocre team can handle a well-planned op, but a great team can handle the emergencies. Here in the Jacobi Hospital ER, Peter knew he had pulled together a great team for the Enscombe op.

George Knightley was conferring with a doctor about the drug Neal had been given while undercover, when it had been administered, and what his reactions had been before passing out in the helicopter.

Tricia Wiese was handling the people who wanted Neal's insurance and medical history. As part of their contingency planning, Tricia had that info for everyone participating in the op.

Henry Winslow was making it known that he was Neal's next of kin, and demanding to see him.

Peter stood with Graham Winslow, trying to think of something he could do to help. Absolutely nothing came to mind. "Damn it."

Graham patted him on the back. "I know how you feel. It's hard for a man of action when your people have everything handled. But at the same time you know you shouldn't complain about having a competent team."

Finished with the paperwork, Tricia walked over to her boss. "They should have what they need. Jones had to get the helicopter out of the way in case the helipad is needed for other patients. He's on his way back to Enscombe. I assume you'll want to take charge here?"

Peter nodded.

"Then I'll go back to the Bureau. Hughes needs to be brought up to date, and Churchill and Fairfax will be there soon for questioning."

"Thanks, Tricia."

She glanced back toward the organized chaos of the emergency room and then said, "He's young and healthy and stubborn, Peter. That counts for a lot. And they'll take good care of him here." She gave him a half hug, and then said to Graham, "Make sure he calls his wife and doesn't try to subsist on coffee," before leaving.

"Good advice. And I see someone else who needs some advice." Graham strode toward his grandson, and Peter followed.

Peter was able to get a glimpse into Neal's room. The kid's dark hair was a stark contrast to the white sheets and his pale face. A machine Peter couldn't name seemed to be doing the breathing for Neal. It shouldn't have been a surprise. Henry had warned in yesterday's planning session that an overdose could put Neal on life support, but it was still shocking to see.

"Enough, Henry," said Graham. "The nurse said she's told you all she can. Let her do her job. Come out to the waiting room now and give your mother a call. She needs to know what happened."


Noelle Winslow had rented a less excessive suite than her father-in-law's, but at the same hotel. Hers had a central living area, and two bedrooms. She thought it best to have a place for Neal to sleep if he needed to rest. Going through his repressed memories would probably be exhausting.

According to Peter's timeline they should arrive soon, but she had learned at Win-Win that cases moved at their own pace. She had brought along students' papers to grade to pass the time, and she was reviewing them now, wearing the reading glasses she still refused to wear in public.

Her cell phone rang and she saw it was Henry. "Are you on your way?" she asked.

"No." There was a pause. "We're at Jacobi Hospital. It's in the Bronx. Can you come here?"

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