Mysterious Friend

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(Y/N)'s POV

sigh... another day in another boring council meeting...

The monotonous drone of the announcer filled the grand chamber as various matters were discussed, the focus now on the growing unrest among the spirits residing in Sylvania. Despite the importance of the topic, I found it increasingly difficult to muster any interest. Slouching on my ornate throne, I wore the most unimpressed expression I could conjure. If I weren't already dead, the sheer boredom of these council meetings would likely compel my body to give out from sheer lack of will to live.

Durnehviir, the undead dragon and advisor, voiced his discontent.

Durnehviir: "You would do well to listen, (Y/N). This is your responsibility after all."

(Y/N): "No, it's not. The reason I made the Sylvanian Council is so I don't have to listen to all these boring details! Just tell me the result of the discussion, and I say 'yes' or 'no'. That's my job!"

Durnehviir: "sigh With great power comes great responsibility... You can't expect to rule a kingdom just by sitting on a throne."

(Y/N): "Actually, I can. I rule, the council governs."

Another deep sigh from the undead dragon, and he looked away as the muffled deliberations continued around me. Unwilling to waste my un-life any longer, I began my usual routine of daydreaming about ways to escape this mundane gathering.

When a sudden idea struck, I turned to Durnehviir with a mischievous glint in my eyes.

(Y/N): "Hey, Durnehviir. Look at this."

I clasped my hands together as if holding something inside.

Durnehviir: "Shouldn't you be paying attention?"

(Y/N): "I will after you see this!"

Durnehviir: "Fine. What do you want to show me?"

(Y/N): "This!"

I threw an imaginary item behind him, and the ancient dragon turned to inspect. Seizing the opportunity, I silently sprinted out of the chamber. Durnehviir had no chance of catching me, and fortunately, Komori was on a mission, sparing me from any potential reprimand.

With my escape assured, I reached the grand doors of the palace and slipped away from my luxurious prison to explore the underground City of The Dead.

Roaming through the eerie streets, I engaged in conversations with fellow undead and observed the unfolding events. However, the monotony of everyday un-life grated on my nerves. Seeking a change, I ventured further out, eventually finding myself walking along the cliff's edge overlooking Sylvania.

Gazing down at the kingdom I called home, a small sense of pride swelled within me. Here in Sylvania, a diverse gathering of undead, cursed creatures, lingering spirits, and societal outcasts had come together to forge a life of their own. It was a testament to our collective resilience, and I felt a renewed determination to see this unconventional future through to its fullest potential.

But that is an agenda for another day. For now, my agenda is to find something interesting, and so - with little effort - I teleported out of the Underground Kingdom, and met up with the surface. The bright sunshine forced me to cover my eyes for a moment, letting them adjust to the intensity of a light and warmth that I am so unused to.

Eventually, my eyes adjusted to the ambient light, and I began to walk through the grassy fields of Mondstadt, in search of something to break the monotony of the day. Time slipped away as I wandered aimlessly, my senses attuned to the surroundings. It wasn't too long before my gaze fell upon an unexpected sight—across the river, a boy with white hair lay injured on the graveyard floor.

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