Dungeon Crawl

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(Y/N)'s POV

Well... isn't this a curious conundrum. Right before we could light the brazier... RAIN FELL!

We stood around, the rhythmic patter of raindrops forming a backdrop to our contemplation. As I pondered our predicament, the realization struck me that our (or more specifically, Bennett's) streak of bad luck had become an inconvenient obstacle that demanded attention. I couldn't simply let this slide. My gaze shifted towards the imposing stone doors of the ancient ruins once more, determination etched on my face.

With a focused mind, I summoned an orb of dark magic into the palm of my hand. The arcane energy crackled with power as I hurled it towards the ancient doors. A deafening boom echoed through the air as the stone doors shattered into fragments, revealing an entrance to the mysteries concealed within.

Bennett stared at me in awe, his eyes wide with amazement.

Bennett: "Whoa! That was amazing! You took down those doors no problem!"

I couldn't resist responding to his admiration with a confident grin, the satisfaction of overcoming the obstacle evident in my expression.

(Y/N): "Thanks. I've always had a knack for using magic, especially the destructive kinds of it. But we'll save that for another time."

Turning my attention forward once again, the allure of adventure beckoning us, we crossed the threshold into the now-open path within the ruins. The atmosphere within the ancient structure was thick with a sense of mystery, and with each step, the anticipation of the unknown fueled our determination to unravel the secrets that lay ahead.

The two of us walked side by side, our footsteps echoing softly through the dimly lit corridor, as we cast our gaze upon the ancient carvings etched into the moss-covered stone walls. The intricate details hinted at a bygone era, and it was evident that this place held a multitude of stories waiting to be unearthed.

Continuing our exploration, we ventured deeper into the ruins, occasionally seizing trinkets and shiny artifacts that lay scattered about. Eventually, we found ourselves in a long, yet narrow room. The walls were adorned with the eerie sight of mummified cadavers, remnants of the ancient civilization that once called this ruin home.

As the most powerful and infamous Necromancer in history, and being undead myself, my senses were finely attuned to the energies of the deceased. A faint hum of magic emanated from the mummies, signaling an unexpected turn of events. True to my expectations, the ancient guardians stirred to life the moment Bennett took a bold step into the room. The adventurous spirit in him prompted a jump, but he swiftly drew his sword, preparing for the imminent confrontation.

My gaze shifted towards the awakened undead, my eyes glowing with the intensity of my magic as I took control of the situation. The mummies, realizing the force before them, dropped their ancient weapons and humbled themselves, sinking to their knees and lowering their heads in deference to my necromantic authority. The room, once charged with the tension of an impending battle, now resonated with a subdued calm as the ancient guardians acknowledged their new master.

Bennett turns around, his surprised gaze meeting my calm ones.

(Y/N) "It's alright. They're under my control now. They won't harm us. In fact..."

I turned my focus to the undead once more, engaging in a silent telepathic communion with them. With a mere thought, they obediently rose from their knees, ancient blades in hand. A newfound sense of purpose gleamed in their once-lifeless eyes as they became our ethereal guardians, ready to accompany us through the labyrinthine twists and turns of the ancient ruins.

Bennett couldn't help but express his amazement, his eyes wide with disbelief.

Bennett: "Man, my adventures never go this well! Usually, I need to avoid traps, ambushes, poison darts, and fight through hordes of enemies, but with you! This is almost too easy!"

Just as Bennett confidently remarked on our seemingly smooth progress, the very earth beneath us seemed to respond with an ominous tremor. Loose stone bricks rained down from above, heralding an unforeseen disturbance. A hidden passage materialized before us, as if the ancient ruins themselves were reacting to an unseen force.

We exchanged glances, uncertainty clouding our expressions. As we cautiously peered through the newly revealed entrance, a colossal entity of ancient technology emerged, causing the ground to quake beneath its mighty footsteps. The massive machine, recently awakened, strode past the cavernous extensions attached to the very ruins we were exploring.

Reacting swiftly, I instinctively pulled Bennett to the side, concealing us in the shadows, shielding us from the piercing glow of the mechanical guardian's red eye as it scanned the area we had just occupied.

Once the colossal guardian passed, I turned towards Bennett, my expression shifting from concern to a comedic irritation.

(Y/N): "You just had to say it, didn't you?"

Bennett, sheepishly rubbing the back of his head, shot me an apologetic half-smile.

Bennett: "Sorry..."

I looked back at the colossal machine as it marched away, a look of cold calculation in my eyes as I weighed the potential dangers it posed. Ultimately, I concluded that if push came to shove, I could always teleport Bennett and myself out of harm's way.

(Y/N): "Alright, it's out of sight. Let's keep moving."

Bennett nodded in agreement, and together we pressed onward into the heart of the ancient ruins, eager for more adventure. As we walked, the silent echoes of the ruins surrounding us, I decided to break the stillness with some small talk, attempting to fill the empty space with conversation.

(Y/N): "So, Bennett. Where do you live?"

His green eyes met mine, and his mouth curved into a beaming smile.

Bennett: "Oh, I live in the Adventurers' Guild in Mondstadt!"

The mention of Mondstadt stirred within me a mix of anger and hatred, but I concealed it well, knowing him to hail from that city anyway. My momentary aggression subsided before it could be noticed by the enthusiastic adventurer boy.

Bennett: "It's really nice! I get a room, food every day - and I get to listen to a lot of adventures! But I don't stay put for very long. My time is usually spent in places like these! Adventuring!"

I nodded, acknowledging Bennett's passion and zest for the world of discovery. It was something I could relate to, albeit in a slightly different manner. My explorations tended to be more... morbid, delving into the realms of dark magic.

(Y/N): "You know, I tend to adventure too. Not like you, though. Instead of exploring hidden places around the world, my journey revolves around the exploration and discovery of... dark magic."

As if to emphasize my point, I raised my hand, and wisps of accursed magic danced around it, emitting whispers that echoed through the hallway. The sinister glow illuminated our path, casting an eerie ambiance as we continued our journey through the mysterious depths of the ancient ruins.

Unlucky~ Bennett x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now