Bury The Past

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(Y/N)'s POV

In response to Bennett's question, I met him with an expression just as inscrutable as the depths of my own memories. The details of my time as a living, breathing being were shrouded in a haze, some lost to the sands of time, and others deliberately kept at bay.

"A tale for another time, perhaps," I replied, my tone carrying a weight of untold stories. "Just know that... I've been in this world for quite some time. And I don't always wish I was."

With those cryptic words, I left Bennett's inquiry hanging in the air, suspended upon the delicate threads of sorrow and enigma. The layers of my existence, marked by the passage of time and the intricate tapestry of experiences, remained veiled, a story waiting to unfold in its own time and at its own pace. The melancholy undertones lingered, hinting at the complexities that defined my eternal existence and the burdens carried across the ages.

Bennett, seemingly respecting the unspoken boundaries surrounding my past, nodded in acknowledgment, setting aside his adventurous curiosity for the time being. The topic was dropped, and we decided to embark on a different adventure, one that involved exploring the city of Mondstadt.

"So, where do you wanna go for today? There's an adventure around every corner!" Bennett exclaimed, his infectious smile returning.

After a brief moment of contemplation, I suggested, "How about you give me a tour around the city? It's been quite a while since I last saw Mondstadt with my own eyes, and I want to see how far it's gotten and how much has changed."

In truth, my sentiments toward the city were laced with disdain, and the thought of witnessing its prosperity irked me and if I knew I could get away with it unscathed, I'd have its houses razed to the ground and it's people hung on the streets for the feast of crows. However, a brief visit wouldn't hurt, and the opportunity to see the city through Bennett's eyes added an intriguing layer to the experience.

"Sounds good! I can show you the Knights of Favonius HQ, the marketplace, the cathedral, and oh! I can even show you inside the Adventurer's Guild!" Bennett beamed with excitement, and soon we found ourselves making our way into the heart of the city.

As we walked through the familiar streets, across the bridge, and past the stone walls, the city guards cast glances our way but took no further action. I remained confident that my true identity was veiled to the vast majority of the inhabitants, at least for now.

The city, while adorned with new structures and different shops, still held a resemblance to the Mondstadt of my memories. Bennett and I strolled through the familiar sights, and I couldn't help but remark, "Not a lot has changed... I mean, sure, the shops and houses are different, but the general structure of it all remains faithful to what I remember."

Bennett nodded in agreement as we continued our walk through the city. Amidst the bustling crowds, I kept an eye out for a particular figure—someone who, like me, possessed the ability to change appearance but, but knowing him, I doubt he will.

Bennett guided me to the Adventurer's Guild, his home filled with the laughter and camaraderie of fellow adventurers. As we entered, the lively sounds of stories being shared and the distinct aroma of adventure—rustic and untamed—wafted through the air. It was a stark contrast to the cold elegance of Sylvania, a testament to the dichotomy between our respective realms.

Upon our arrival, the gazes of the adventurers quickly shifted toward me, and it was no surprise. My appearance, with pale skin, piercing eyes, bleached hair, and horns, defied the norms of the living. I wouldn't have been shocked if one of them mistook me for—

"Demon!" cried out a timid adventurer.

Accurate. The word hung in the air, drawing the attention of the entire guild. I met the accusing gaze with an unflinching stare, a flicker of annoyance crossing my features. It wasn't the first time I had been labeled as such, and it likely wouldn't be the last. The adventurer's fear was palpable, a reaction to the unknown that had stepped into their midst.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2023 ⏰

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