First Adventure!

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(Y/N)'s POV

The air crackled with the potential for excitement as Bennett's proposition lingered between us like a tantalizing invitation. His eyes sparkled with the thrill of the unknown, mirroring my own desire to break free from the mundane chains of routine. The prospect of an adventure beckoned, promising a journey into uncharted territories that could reveal more than just the landscape.

(Y/N) "So we just go running around, finding something to do? Nothing needed other than early introductions?"
Bennett "Yeah! Adventures are the best way to hang out and get to know each other!"

Bennett's enthusiasm echoed through the air, infectious and impossible to resist. The mere thought of embracing the unexpected, of traversing lands unexplored, resonated with an energy that transcended the ordinary.

I found myself caught in the magnetic pull of Bennett's excitement, his optimism a beacon guiding us toward the uncharted. The decision lay before me, a crossroads where the road less traveled promised not only a break from monotony but the chance to unravel the layers of our camaraderie.

Amidst the ambient sounds of nature, I took a short moment to contemplate the potential of this impromptu adventure. The unscripted narrative of the unknown whispered promises of discovery, weaving an enticing tapestry that called for exploration.

With a smile, I turned to Bennett, the unspoken agreement to embark on this journey etched in our shared gaze. The lighthearted question had transformed into a pact, and together, we stood on the precipice of an adventure that held the promise of forging bonds beyond the constraints of the ordinary.

Bennett "So, where do you wanna go?" 

I couldn't conjure a decisive answer. Escaping Sylvania was a regular occurrence for me, and I knew the surrounding areas like the back of my hand. Yet, the essence of adventure lay in the unknown.

A nonchalant shrug was my only response, prompting Bennett to take the reins of our impromptu journey. 

Bennett "Alright then! Hmm... let's go... South-east! During one of my adventures, my original map got switched out by another adventurer, all by accident, of course. I ended up going to a place that was already emptied out, but I did manage to find another area - a nearby ruin that hasn't been opened!"

(Y/N) "Alright, sounds good to me. Let's go!"

I agreed, and we set off side by side toward the undisclosed ruin. The journey was strangely uneventful, save for the occasional fruit assaulting Bennett's head or a gust of wind flinging trash into his face. Oddly enough, the misfortunate incidents almost tempted me to study the phenomenon, but conversation proved a better distraction.

Bennett's curiosity led to a barrage of questions about me, a topic he seemed eager to explore. I deftly avoided divulging too much about myself, subtly steering the conversation toward safer shores.

Our banter took a more personal turn when Bennett revealed the absence of his mother. A tale woven from the remnants of a baby's past and the guardianship of seasoned adventurers painted a poignant picture. The revelation of Bennett being an orphan, adopted by older guild members he fondly referred to as his dads, carried a weight that lingered beneath his usually upbeat demeanor.

The mood shifted as Bennett spoke of the unspoken moments of discomfort, the undertones of not feeling entirely accepted. His gaze met mine, and I saw a vulnerability in him that transcended his usual carefree spirit, but it was shot-lived.

Bennett "Well, here we are! I don't know how to get it open. I tried pressing a couple of stuff around but it mostly just end up being traps."

As we neared the ancient ruins, Bennett's infectious enthusiasm returned. The sight of a massive circular stone door marked our destination. Bennett confessed to his struggles in opening it, recounting attempts thwarted by concealed traps.

(Y/N) "Hmm... let's have a look around. There's usually some sort of clue. From the looks of that door, I'd say there's some sort of mechanism that needs to be activated in order to open it."

I suggested, and Bennett agreed. I delved into deciphering the carvings on the door's edge, unearthing a riddle in the ancient Mondstadter tongue. Fluent in the language, I decoded the message, revealing a sequence involving the cardinal winds and a central brazier.

(Y/N) "The four winds blow to the beating warmth of our temple. First howl the Wolf from the North, then roars the Lion from the South, leaves fly to the wings of the Dragon from the East, and from the West, come chiming the Falcon's caw."

Excitement brimming in his eyes.

Bennett "Whoa! You can read that?!"

(Y/N) "Yeah. I'm pretty fluent when it comes to languages. Know quite a few of them actually."

Bennett "Cool! I had to open one of my dad's journals and even then, I wasn't able to translate it nearly as good as you! So, what do you think the riddle means?"

I took a look around us. There looks to be arches on all four cardinal directions. In the middle looks to be a stone brazier with it's fire unlit.

 (Y/N) "Hmm... yeah, I think I get it."

Bennett "Okay. What do we need to do?"

(Y/N) "You're a pyro user, right? Light that brasier in the middle. I think those arches are wind tunnels. We activate each one in order to feed the flame. North, South, East, then West. I think the temple will then open."

Bennett ignited his sword and lit the stone brazier, while I activated the wind tunnels in the prescribed order. The anticipation heightened as we approached the final activation.

Thunder crackles


The atmospheric shift hinted at a sudden change, a twist in the narrative as we stood on the cusp of unraveling the mysteries within the ancient ruin.

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