Memories to Hide

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(Y/N)'s POV

As Bennett eagerly examines the intricate details of the colossal mechanical marvel, I take a moment to soak in the surreal atmosphere of the cavern. The air is thick with a mixture of dust and history, as if the very essence of time itself has settled within the cavern's walls. The soft glow of luminescent crystals embedded in the cavern ceiling casts an ethereal light, illuminating the ancient machinery before us.

Bennett "Whoa! What is that thing?!"

The bronze engine stands as a testament to a bygone era, a masterpiece of craftsmanship from a civilization long lost to the annals of time. Each gear is a work of art, meticulously crafted and interlocked with its counterparts in a mesmerizing dance of precision. The rhythmic clinking and clanking create a symphony that reverberates through the cavern, enveloping us in the echoes of a forgotten age.

Bennett's excitement is palpable as he traces the patterns etched into the surface of the machinery. His eyes gleams with fascination.

Bennett "This is awesome! I've never seen anything like this!"

I find myself drawn to the machine as well, compelled by an inexplicable connection to its archaic beauty. The designs trigger a cascade of memories in my mind, elusive fragments of a distant past that refuse to fully materialize. As I run my fingers over the cold, weathered metal, a sense of familiarity lingers, like the ghostly remnants of a half-forgotten dream.

The control panel, adorned with a sparse array of buttons and a lone lever, emanates an aura of mystery as I cautiously approach it. The air is charged with a palpable sense of anticipation as I activate the panel, unleashing a soft hum that resonates through the cavern.

As I experiment with the buttons, each press sets off a mesmerizing sequence of movements within the intricate machinery. Gears interlock and disengage, cogs shift and rotate, creating a hypnotic ballet of mechanical precision. It's like deciphering the language of a forgotten civilization, where the very essence of control lies in the manipulation of gears.

Bennett "Hey, this thing just moved! What did you do?"

Bennett's voice carries a note of awe as he hurries over, his eyes widening with excitement. 

I share a quick glance with Bennett before explaining, 

(Y/N) "Each button seems to control a specific set of movements in the machine. The gears will shift places. It looks like there's a specific position they need to be in for it to do whatever it's meant to do."

Bennett, fueled by curiosity, observes the machine intently. As I continue tinkering with the controls, he suddenly grows silent, his expression shifting from exuberance to intense focus. A cold determination settles in his gaze as he moves closer to the control panel, and I willingly step aside to let him take the lead.

Bennett "I've seen this before somewhere... these buttons,"

Bennett mutters, his fingers deftly dancing over the buttons with an uncanny familiarity. It's as if the machine responds to his touch as if recognizing an old acquaintance. The atmosphere becomes charged with an inexplicable tension, and I watch as Bennett manipulates the controls with a precision that seems almost otherworldly.

The massive bronze giant stirs, gears reshuffling in response to Bennett's skilled manipulation. Steam hisses from pipes, adding an eerie ambiance to the cavern, and with a triumphant click, the machine unfolds, revealing a mesmerizing sight—a strange red orb nestled within its intricate mechanisms.

The cavern seems to hold its breath as the mysterious orb emanates a soft, pulsating glow, casting a warm radiance that dances across the cavern walls. The revelation of the orb feels like the unlocking of a long-lost secret, a key to understanding the purpose of this ancient contraption.

Unlucky~ Bennett x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now