7. Offering a Chance

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    Kalian spent the next day trying to think of ways he could warn the Witches about the coming attack without revealing himself in the process. None of his ideas had a high chance of success. Kalian sat outside his tent, sharpening his blade while his thoughts wandered.

    If Lir wasn't keeping such a close eye on me, I could fly to the Witches' camp and warn them in person, Kalian thought. He glared at the man who was hovering close by. Lir's steel blue gaze remained impassive.

    Kalian didn't know if Commander Lev had ordered Lir to watch him or if he'd chosen to do it himself. Either way, it was a thorn in his side and one he was eager to be rid of. Kalian gritted his teeth and kept working.

    If I can't warn the Witches, I should at least play this to my advantage, he thought. Commander Lev admires intelligence, so I have to prove to her that I know what I'm talking about.

    "Hey." Bellamy plopped down beside him. "Nervous about tonight?"

    "No," Kalian replied. No, he wasn't nervous. He was afraid. Afraid that he would be forced to kill innocent women just so he could work his way into Commander Lev's inner circle. The guilt would eat him alive, even if he was doing it for the greater good of his people.

    "I was nervous my first time. We raided a group of Day Faeries. Slaughtered them all like hogs on butcher day." Bellamy pursed his lips, his throat bobbing. "Afterwards, I wondered if I was really doing the right thing. There were...mothers and children. Commander Lev let the children go, but several of our men went after them when she turned away."

    "What did you decide?" Kalian asked.

    "Sometimes doing the right thing seems wrong. After all, they were the ones who kidnapped Humans and turned them into Soleones. They kidnapped my sister."

    "I heard it was their King and Queen who were responsible for the kidnappings and transformations," Kalian said carefully. Bellamy's gaze flickered to his, then back to the ground. "If that's true, do all Faeries and those of their blood still deserve to die?"

    "They've done worse things than kidnapping," Bellamy murmured. "Ask anyone in this camp. We all have stories to share, and you have your own, I'm sure." He managed a halfhearted smile and squared his shoulders. "Good job catching the Commander's attention yesterday, although I'm not sure it had the effect you wanted. She doesn't like people questioning her orders."

    "All leaders should be questioned. It makes them think more than they would otherwise." Kalian sheathed his sword and stood. Bellamy rose with him and Kalian quickly turned so his wings wouldn't knock against the Human. "And besides, it could work to my advantage. If we're attacked by something other than Witches, Commander Lev will see that I know what I'm talking about."

    Bellamy arched a brow. "Do you know what you're talking about?"

    Kalian nodded. "I spent many years studying the Vetiti and the creatures within it. I know even more about that forest than some Faeries."

    "If that's true, you might be right."

    "You two!" Malachi barked. "We'll be moving out within the hour. Help load the spare weapons."

    Kalian's mouth ran dry as he followed Bellamy towards the armory tent. Several Ironblades were already grabbing swords, knives, and pistols to arm themselves with. Kalian glanced at his bare hands, then at the weapons waiting to be loaded onto packhorses.

    He could touch the swords and knives that were sheathed and had leather wrapped around the hilts. Pistols were fairly safe as well, but he couldn't risk touching anything else. The proximity of the iron was already pressing against his magic.

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