19. Protective Preparations

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Morning dawned, warmed by a humid mist and a faint breeze. Kalian knelt beside Commander Lev's bedroll, quickly skimming through several letters and reports she'd left out. He was supposed to be packing up their possessions so they could leave for Selcouth soon, while she attended to the horses. Apparently, she wasn't in the mood to watch him struggle through saddling two horses instead of one.

Kalian narrowed his eyes, flipping to a letter that had arrived shortly before he joined the unit. It had been sent by the mysterious General Dagen whom he'd heard so little about. Kalian hesitated and listened intently, fearing that Moira might decide to return to the tent for some reason. Her voice reached his pointed ears, now rounded by his glamour, soft and coaxing as she murmured to the horses. Kalian read through the report swiftly.

Units are moving slower than anticipated. We'll have to postpone our assault until everyone is ready. Maintain your position for now. Orders will come when I've decided on our next meeting location.


Kalian pursed his lips and folded the letter, stuffing it in a satchel along with the rest of the correspondence. So we were right. It sounds like they are planning a larger strike. The question is where and when will it happen? Maybe King Arius and Queen Iyan can dispatch scouts to locate General Dagen. I probably won't learn anything of use here until Commander Lev receives orders to move our unit.

He buckled the satchel and rolled up Moira's bedroll before tossing it next to his own. The only thing left for him to do was take down the tent. Kalian carried the satchel and bedrolls outside and left them near a saddle. He returned to the tent and made quick work of unfastening the ropes, removing the wooden poles, and folding up the thick material.

Kalian lugged the items over to his roan stallion. He had already been saddled, and Moira was currently outfitting Jasmine. "Bring the ropes and tent material," she said, not looking up, "but leave the poles. We have spares at the camp and a traveler might need those more than we do."

"All right."

Kalian deposited the poles near one of the firepits left by their unit. He secured his bedroll just behind the saddle on his stallion, and tossed Moira her own when she faced him. She made quick work of fastening hers and slung the satchel of reports over her shoulder before mounting Jasmine. Kalian swung onto his horse and they set off towards Selcouth.

"How are you feeling?" Kalian asked presently, watching Moira with a scrutinizing eye. She didn't seem excessively weak or tired, which was good. It was the terse look in her gaze that had him worried.

"Fine," she answered. "The last effects of the spell should be wearing off by now, right?"

Hair tickled Kalian's neck as he nodded. He ran his fingers through it in an effort to tame his tangled locks. "You should be out of danger by now. Samson did leave us a few medicines in case they're needed though."

"They aren't."

Kalian was silent for several minutes. He could practically feel the tension that rolled off Commander Lev. It circulated between them in unrelenting waves. "How long are we staying in Selcouth?" He asked. I should be able to find a Witch there who can send a message to the King and Queen for me, assuming I have enough time.

"Too long," she muttered. "A few weeks, I imagine. Our orders are to clear the area of any Faeries, Scindoes, and Witches we find until we're told otherwise. With the weather how it's been lately, I imagine it will take longer for new orders to reach us."

"True," Kalian sighed. His stomach churned with guilt, recalling the Witch he had killed. "Those bandits who attacked us..."

"What about them?" Moira's smoldering onyx eyes turned to him.

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