18. Riding Lessons

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Kalian rubbed his eyes and suppressed a yawn. Morning had come sooner than he preferred. The camp was already packed up as Lir and Malachi prepared to lead the unit onward. The Commander herself was still lying in bed and seemed very unhappy about the arrangement. She was resigned to waiting though. She didn't have much of a choice after Samson had backed Kalian in recommending that she lay still for at least a day.

"Lir said we'll be moving out within the hour," Bellamy reported, appearing at Kalian's shoulder. "We're leaving two horses behind for you and the Commander."

Kalian bowed his head, though a ripple of nervousness shot through him. It was embarrassing, but at 205 years old, he still didn't know how to ride a horse. He rarely needed to. Kalian usually flew or walked anywhere he needed to go. Besides that, horses were rare in the Faerie Lands. The breed of horses that roamed there were different from ordinary horses.

Faerie horses were larger, faster, and stronger than a horse from the Human Lands. They were considered wild, though most had tame attitudes. Faerie horses could not be ridden without permission, and could never be stabled or kept as a pet. They wouldn't allow it.

They preferred to roam the lands of the northern coastline, appearing only when summoned, or when they pleased. Kalian had never been approached by a Faerie horse, nor had he asked to ride one. If he'd been given a choice this time, he would've picked a Faerie horse rather than a Human one.

Bellamy elbowed his side, drawing him out of his thoughts. "How was Commander Lev this morning?"

"Unhappy that she wasn't allowed to get up," Kalian chuckled.

"Imagine that." Bellamy ran his fingers through his brown hair with a grin. "Lir and Malachi aren't happy that she chose you to remain with her."


"Because it means she trusts you."

Kalian knit his brows. "She told me it's because I know the most about her situation."

"Sure, sure, but she must also trust you."

"I don't think Commander Lev truly trusts anyone."

Bellamy inclined his head. "Maybe not, but she's definitely more inclined to respect you now. You saved her life."

"We'll see how long her respect lasts," Kalian sighed. "Half of the camp seems to think we're fucking."

And he couldn't blame them, given how many times they'd gone into her tent after dark and stayed there for several hours. It didn't matter that all they'd done was talk and argue. It wouldn't change what the soldiers saw. He didn't doubt that the Commander's latest decision would only fuel their beliefs.

It doesn't matter what they think, Kalian told himself. I just need to get close enough to her to find out what the Ironblades are planning. No matter what it takes. The King and Queen will want a report soon. I've been with the Ironblades long enough that I should've found something by now.

"Bellamy!" Malachi barked. "Let's get moving."

"Oh, here." Bellamy pressed a leather pouch into Kalian's palm. "Samson put a few herbs and premixed medicine vials in here, in case you need them. He asked me to give it to you."

"Tell him thank you for me."

Bellamy nodded and hurried over to Malachi. The man glowered at Bellamy, before his gaze shifted. Kalian didn't balk as Malachi strode towards him. "Whatever game you're playing, Deirdre, it won't work," Malachi hissed. "The Commander knows you're hiding something and so do I. I'll find out the truth, no matter how many times you try to play the hero."

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