36. Fueling Affection

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Night had fallen by the time the meeting concluded. Moira left the tent before anyone could stop her. When she emerged, she found the camp alight with activity. Bonfires had been built towards the center of the camp and the scent of cooking food filled the air. People were dancing before the fires, while others lounged on felled logs and sipped their drinks.

"I told you I'd arranged for a celebration," Dagen said, appearing beside her. The firelight reflected off his pale countenance with a golden glow. "Would you care to join me?" He offered her an arm.

"I need to check on a few of my soldiers first," Moira answered brusquely, not looking at him.

She set off towards the tents belonging to her own people, aware of Dagen's gaze following her. She heard the growing din of voices when Lir and Malachi joined him. Lir moved on to the bonfires, while Malachi and Dagen became locked in conversation. Moira paid them no mind, spotting Samson and Bellamy up ahead. Kalian sat on a crate in between them, a hollow look in his eyes.

Moira nodded to the two men and they left quietly, but flashed worried glances at their friend. Kalian didn't look up, even when Moira sat down beside him. "What happened?" She asked.

"That man..." Kalian whispered. "He was there. He was the one who..."

"This must be the Kalian Deirdre I've heard so much about," Dagen called, striding over to them with Malachi on his heels. "A far cry from your beloved Damian, isn't he, Moira? Far too pretty. Unnaturally so, even."

Kalian lifted his gaze to Dagen's. Moira's blood froze at the sight. There was nothing but icy rage in his features. A threat and a promise. Kalian didn't care who Dagen was. Only what he had done. He would make the General suffer.

Dagen recognized that. A cruel grin blossomed on his lips. "Let's leave this poor soul to his brooding. There's a party going on, after all." Dagen once more offered Moira his arm.

"I will stay, thank you," Moira replied.

"Deirdre doesn't need you to play nursemaid, Commander," Malachi scoffed.

Kalian straightened, his shoulders tensing. "Indeed he doesn't," Dagen agreed. "Why don't you spend some time with real men?" Moira narrowed her eyes, recognizing the emphasis he'd placed on the words. What was Dagen insinuating? "Come along." He reached for her.

Kalian's hand lashed out faster than Moira could track. He caught Dagen by the wrist and rose, those terrible and beautiful shadows lining the planes of his face. "She said she would stay," he growled. "She doesn't have to go anywhere if she doesn't want to. Especially not with the likes of you."

"Well, well, well. Your little lap dog can bite after all," Dagen murmured, still smirking.

"Kalian," Moira warned.

He released the General, but the dark look in his eyes didn't fade. "A word of advice, General," Kalian spat. "She doesn't take nicely to uninvited contact. Just ask Malachi. I suggest you treat her with the respect she deserves."

"Or else?" Dagen prompted.

"That's not for me to decide." His lips curved into a wicked grin. "My turn comes later." He spun on his heel and stormed away, leaving Moira alone with Malachi and Dagen.

"Your new bed warmer seems a little touchy," Dagen said, all hints of laughter gone from his voice. "I suggest you get him under control before you lose control entirely."

"What is that supposed to mean?"

Dagen gave no response. He walked away, with Malachi trailing behind. Moira waited until they were out of sight before chasing after Kalian. She found him waiting near the tent that had been erected for her. Surprisingly, it was on the outskirts of the camp. Usually it was in the center, whether she was in her own camp or visiting another.

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