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Shailene Kincaid
the quiet one

Shailene Kincaidthe quiet one

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JJ Maybank
the troublemaker

Leeland Kincaidthe older brother

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Leeland Kincaid
the older brother

Kiara Carerrathe encouraging best friend

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Kiara Carerra
the encouraging best friend

Kiara Carerrathe encouraging best friend

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Sarah Cameron
the concerned best friend

Sarah Cameronthe concerned best friend

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Graham Rhodes
the homewrecker

Roslyn Jacobsthe soon-to-be sister-in-law

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Roslyn Jacobs
the soon-to-be sister-in-law

Roslyn Jacobsthe soon-to-be sister-in-law

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John B Routledge
the leader

Pope Heywardthe brains of the operation

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Pope Heyward
the brains of the operation

Pope Heywardthe brains of the operation

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Gemma Coldwell
the mother

Ken Coldwellthe stepfather

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Ken Coldwell
the stepfather

*sorry to spring this on y'all, but i decided that i hated my main character's name and it had been low key driving me crazy for a while

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*sorry to spring this on y'all, but i decided that i hated my main character's name and it had been low key driving me crazy for a while. so now it has changed from dorothy (with nickname dot and jj calling her oz) to shailene (with nickname shay and jj calling her shayne)

when i update these already published chapters, everything will be the same except for the name change!!

what i never told you - jj maybankWhere stories live. Discover now