Part 3 Lego House

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I'm gonna pick up the pieces
And build a lego house
If things go wrong
We can knock it down
And three words have two meanings
But there's one thing on my mind
It's all for you

Meredith watched the fan turn round and around, holding a pillow tight to her chest. She didn't know what she wanted, two men still here and a part of her knew what she wanted but she didn't know if she could do it. Could she trust him after everything that happened? He had hurt her so much but here he is, saying he's ready to start a life with her and their child.

Then there is Finn. Finn was the good guy, the right guy that a normal person would choose. He had never hurt her, he hadn't ran in the other direction yet. He was the smart decision but if he was the right answer, why was she still here? Why is she alone, in her living room, still trying to pick between two guys? She sighed as she heard a knock on her door. A part of her wanted to just stay where she was but she got up. She walked to her door, shocked at the sight in front of her.

"I thought I told you I had to think about it," she wanted to just close the door in his face but she couldn't.

"I know you did and I'm sorry if it is a bad time. I just wanted to check on you, can I come in?" He held up a paper bag, he brought a peace offering knowing exactly what she needed.

"No it's fine, just come in," she stepped aside; holding her arms across her chest.

"I didn't know if you were still nauseous so I got you some ginger ale and crackers, also brought some strawberry ice cream if you were up to it," he put the stuff from the bag on the coffee table.

"Derek, you didn't have to," she said with a sigh.

"I know I didn't. I wanted to. This isn't a bribe either, I just wanted to check on you and the baby."


"Just sit and relax. I'll go put the ice cream up and bring you a glass for the ginger ale," he hurried to the kitchen with the ice cream tub and returned with a glass. She sat down on the couch and watched him as he moved toward her.

"Here. Now I will get out of your hair," he handed her the glass and kissed the top of her hair.

"Call me if you need me," he said before starting out the door again.

"Wait!" She called. He stepped back into the living room, giving her the McDreamy eyes.

"Hm?" He asked as he waited by the doorway.

"Come in, George and Izzie are at work and I don't wanna be alone anymore," she said with a sigh.

"Ok, do you wanna talk?" He asked cautiously, sitting down on the opposite side of the couch from her.

"No, just be here," she laid back against the couch and laid her feet in his lap. He massaged her feet softly as the silence filled the room.

"Ok I do wanna talk," she pulled her feet from his hands and put them under her.

"About what?" He asked cluelessly.

"Why me? I get that this is your child but do you really want me? I'm dark and twisty and I don't even know why I want to be a mother to this child, I'll probably screw it up just like my mother screwed me up."

"You say you're all dark and twisty, it's not a flaw, it's a strength. It makes you who you are. You are going to be an incredible mother, you even know you are somewhere deep down. I love you because you are strong and compassionate. I know you are going to be an amazing mother to our child, even if you don't pick me to be with you, I will always be this child's father and you will always be the love of my life," he stared into her eyes as he said every word. He didn't know where it all came from but he knew he felt every single bit of it.

She started crying, the hormonal imbalance in her body caused her to burst into tears. She knew, she always knew it was him. It has always been him.

"Mer," he said sympathetically. He grabbed her and pulled her into his lap. He rubbed circles on her back, soothing her as she cried.

"I love you Derek but I don't know if I can trust you," she said honestly between tears.

"Then I will spend every day of my life trying to prove myself to you, if you let me."

"Ok," she continued to cry into his chest. She curled up against him, feeling safe in his embrace. She knew it was him, it had always been him. Slowly she fell asleep to his heartbeat, something she could do for the rest of her life.


Song is Lego House by Ed Sheeran.

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