Chapter 21 Sun

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An; I know that usually the song reflects the chapter and how it goes but I couldn't find a song that fits this chapter so I just chose a song that I am currently loving. Enjoy ❤️

Chapter XXI

With golden string
Our universe was clothed in light
Pulling at the seams
Our once barren world now brims with life
That we may fall in love
Every time we open up our eyes
I guess space and time
Takes violent things
Angry things
And makes them kind

Derek laid with his eyes closed, trying to get some sleep of the little bit of time he had left before work. Tonight was the first night where Meredith was not able to sleep because of her growing belly. She was constantly groaning and changing positions which caused Derek to also be awoke with every noise and move she made. She finally just sat up and turned the lamp on and began reading.

"I hate this, I'm so ready for them to just be here," she whined.

"They have to cook a little longer," he mumbled and turned to his side.

"I know. I want them to but I also want to sleep," she said with a little bit of anger to her voice.

"Me too," he said quietly and she glared at him.

"If you have a problem, there is plenty of other places you can sleep."

"I'll remember that," he mumbled as he closed his eyes again. She groaned as she grabbed her stomach, they were both so active and strong, their kicks actually caused her slight pain.

"Good, I'm going downstairs," she huffed as she managed to get out of bed and stomped down the stairs. It was only 5am and she wasn't sure what to do for the next hour. She started coffee for Derek and Izzie, pouring herself orange juice. She craved coffee so badly but she was advised to stay away from caffeine. She silently cursed Addison while sipping on the orange juice. As she moved around, the movements settled in her stomach and she wanted to scream. Anytime she sat down, the babies around go crazy and cause Meredith to almost cut them out herself. When she would stand and move around, they settled other than the flips they did while they slept.

She searched the kitchen for food, finding herself craving something sweet. She found some baked good that Izzie made from her mini freak-out. She went back up the stairs to the empty room which housed all the things they had bought for the nursery that had to be set up. They had bought two dark brown cribs and a rocking chair the same colored wood with a purple seat cushion. They had been given a few packs of diapers from some of the people at work and they had gotten about a dozen onesies all from Susan who insist on buying something for them every time she shops. Meredith soon realized how unprepared she actually was to have these babies. They hadn't even set up where they were going to sleep when they come home much less had any outfits other than the ones that Susan bought impulsively. She immedietly went and grabbed her laptop and went down to the couch. She remembered hearing some nurses talk about how they started online shopping because it was much easier so that is what she was going to do. She first went on and searched things she would need for a baby. She found a website that was actually blog post and immedietly started going to websites to buy the things she saw were interesting.

She first bought a changing table that looked like it would be the same color as the things she had already bought, then she found two rock 'n play's that were the same style but one was lilac while the other was a pale blue. She also found somewhere that she bought at least ten outfits that were for a newborn and even a few preemie clothes that Evie would probably need when she was born. She looked at all the types of strollers and was amazed by all the selections. She decided on a double stroller that could transform from infant to toddler stage. She went through and ordered a lot of bottles along with a breast pump along with a few packs of different brands of pacifier's. As she clicked the check-out button she saw the loads of items that she had clicked on and she finished her order. She knew Derek was going to kill her but this was something that needed to be done.

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