Chapter Five (Daniel's POV)

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Slamming my locker closed I could hear the rattling of students in the halls. Looking to my left I saw a couple making out in a corner near the staircase--was pretty sure that girl was a freshman and he was way too old for her. Some freshmen huddled together looking over one person's phone at whatever was on the screen. Two guys exchanging something out of one of their lockers probably was weed or test answers. Shaking my head at the chaotic nature of my peers I looked to my right to see Ariel walking down the halls with Elena by her side--she was in a cheerleader uniform! The well-fitted red and white v neck top with its matching red skirt was all too a little short. I felt my face scrunching up, highly resting on my cheeks as I quickly tried to look anywhere else. Her legs were elongated and smooth, showing off her tan skin. It didn't take long for her to pass by me, she flashed a smile my way her. Damn that smile could kill. Her hair was out of its typical ponytail today, bouncing with each step.
    Smirking to myself at my own impure thoughts I pushed them aside knowing there was no chance we'd ever end up like that. Besides, I barely knew the girl. Making my way to my history class the teacher sprung up a last-minute quiz on the timeline of World War I. Finishing my quiz early. Taking out my phone, I browsed through Instagram only to be told to get off it by my teacher since there were still students testing. Groaning internally I fished out my black notebook scanning over my last entry. The majority of it was random notes and vocabulary words, other entries were some short poem starters or my failed attempt at song lyrics. I didn't consider myself an artist because of all the multiple mediums I enjoyed doing. Usually, the artist had their niche down and I guess I haven't found mine yet. Getting out around a little afternoon I headed towards the cafeteria. Typically I had at least some cash on hand to buy lunch outside but this week I didn't. I also was trying to save up some money for this Canon camera, the SL2 or SL3. It was this cool, compact vlogging camera typically but I wanted to use it to take landscape and city photos.
    The cafeteria was packed, there was already a line of students waiting for their turn. I got into line behind some kid who was fidgeting over the limited options. I grabbed the first tray within eyeshot. It was a plate of a wrapped PB&J, a pear, a carton of regular milk, and a single chocolate cookie. I beamed over the food as I found a seat in the far back of the room. Some dudes tried to call out to me but none of them even knew my name, and there was some kids rough housing in the center. Taking a seat I unwrapped the sandwich and took a bite. It was decent, too cold for a sandwich though. I looked around the cafeteria seeing most people in their own groups. There were the gamer dudes all on their devices or trading cards, the basketball guys attempting to impress some girls, freshmen who were all hushed, and of course the cheer team. Ariel was picking at her salad and wasn't looking at her squad. The girls sitting around her were busy discussing something. Elena was leaning over the table, snapping her fingers in front of Ariel's face. She glared at her, pushing her hand away. I couldn't hear what they were saying but it didn't sound pleasant. I was so caught up in watching Ariel and her crew that I didn't see the guy coming up to my table.

    "Hey, dude, mind if I sit here?" he questioned nudging to the empty seat across from me.

    "Uh sure," I said going back to my meal.

He dropped his bag on the bench, sitting down as he tore into his chicken sandwich. He was a brown guy, wearing a grey beanie and a blue flannel. He was eating the sandwich roughy, nearly shoving the whole thing into his mouth---unhinged.

    "So, are you new? I haven't seen you in any of my classes?" he questioned, mouth full as he tried to open his milk carton.

I nodded. "Yeah, I am." he made a humming sound as he chugged the drink.

    "Cool! Oh, I'm Mickey by the way. What's your name uh man?" he looked at me a little too long, checking down at my chest then back up at my face. Avoiding his gaze I tried to come up with an excuse if he tried to sus me out.

    "Daniel," I said in a forced tone, he squinted his eyes before smiling and finishing his drink.

    Mikey finished off the last bits of his lunch before asking if I wanted my fruit, pushing the tray over he smiled--taking a huge bite. This dude had a massive appetite. I was impressed. I went to get up and throw out my tray when I heard a burst of familiar laughter, it was Ariel. She had a smile plastered over her face as she nudged shoulders with a girl on her left. Still unable to make out fully what she was talking about I couldn't stop myself from watching. I blinked when I heard Mickey talking.

    "Dude, you have a thing for her? I heard she's pretty mean. She's definitely the hottest girl in junior class though---next to Simone of course" he kept going on, "I can't see it but hey if you like it, I love it" he finished off the pear with a few more bites.

Rolling my eyes I left to dump my tray as Mickey was rubbing his stomach. I didn't have a crush, I just got distracted. I barley even would call her a friend. Sure, we ride the train together now but she does most of the talking for the duration. I just didn't want any issues this school year, so I figured it'd best to not let too many people in---or anyone.  On the other hand, could he tell I was also trans? Did I pass well enough? He looked at me too long and I was worried my voice would give me away. I really wish my parents would sign off on hormones by this point. What if this guy figured me out and outed me? Or worst, got physical? Pushing the cycling thoughts away I opened up the cookie and took a bite. It was pretty good actually.

"So, do you?" he started.

Confused, I arched my eyebrow. "So what?"

"You know, got a thing for?" he nudged his head in the direction of the cheer team. Finishing my cookie I dusted my hands off.

"No, I don't."

"Yeah but she's hot dude."

"Just drop it, okay?" I scowled, he shrugged not having an answer. Checking my phone for the time, I bid him goodbye as Mickey called out to me. He jogged up to me by the exit.

"You should stop by the gaming club sometime, the guys and I are about to do a fighting competition" he offered.

Ponding on his request I said "I'll consider it," he gave me a heavy pat on my back just as I left. This guy was going to either be really fun to hang with or another headache to deal with. I kept going back to his comment on how Ariel looked mean, but I didn't think that. Though, she did look heavily annoyed with her peers at lunch until I heard her laughing. Who even knew anything about  her really? Only thing I can pinpoint is that we were both in GSA. Well, she was in GSA I didn't know I was going back because, Elena was so damn annoying. I got through my last few classes of the day and fished out my headphones throwing them around my neck. I could see the wave of basketball dudes walking around with their big egos, sweat dripping down their necks, and bold smiles plastered across the face. Not too far behind was the cheer team, Ariel had stopped by her locker as Elena was talking to her. I walked past them as Elena grabbed my forearm. Yanking it away she put her hands on her hips.

"Jeeze I was just trying to get your attention" she snapped at me.

"Well don't touch me" I snapped back.

"Anyway, are you coming to GSA tomorrow? We're going over things for the upcoming bakery sale," she explained. About to say no, Ariel interjected.

"It'll be fun, besides we usually make decent sales." she brought up. She was dapping her forehead with a napkin, checking out her reflection in the mini mirror she had on her door. She sure was a high-appearance type girl.

Looking between them I shrugged, "Maybe, I gotta see with my folks first" lying straight to Elena, Ariel looked down slightly.

"Either way, don't forget to stop by when we sell." Elena pushed on the subject matter.

"Well do" I replied.

"See you there Daniel" Ariel said as Elena and her went back to their conversation. About to turn the corner I could hear Elena mentioning how I was a weirdo. Chuckling to myself I pulled my headphones over my ears, scrolling through my playlist. I was on a big 'Forever The Sickest Kids' binge. If it was one thing Elena was going to do, it was she was gonna talk shit.

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