Chapter Fourteen (Ariel's POV)

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We didn't go to the cabin because dad didn't book it out in time. Instead, we watched movies throughout the weekend. My picks were 'Legally Blonde' and 'Nightmare on Elm Street'. Mom hated the second choice, and we had to stop it halfway through. My sisters were good with anything we selected. Dad had wanted us to watch 'American Pie', mom said it wasn't age-appropriate. When our parents went to bed, my sisters took over the TV kicking me out so they could catch up on their reality shows. Rolling my eyes and sticking my tongue at them I retreated to my room. Cozying up in my pajamas, reading some more of the book 'Pride & Prejudice" we had a paper for it due in a week or two. I was going to write on the modern flare of feminism and how the book compares. Reaching the climax chapters I stopped as I went to get ready for bed. I did my skincare routine, brushed my teeth, and placed on a cucumber face mask. I laid back against my pillows and sent a message back to Simone. Her family was in California visiting her aunts. It was around early afternoon over there still. I debated talking to my girls about how I was starting to feel about Daniel, but what if they didn't take me seriously? Simone might but Elena would freak. Elena could be overbearing at times, she was the first girl in my grade to come out as a lesbian and folks gave her hell for a bit. They even started rumors that she had feelings for me that weren't even true. But Daniel, god did he feel the same about me. I first had to sort out how I even felt about him.

I never had an actual boyfriend before, just fleeting crushes on guys who were never good enough. I once thought I had a thing for Alex but once Simone staked her claim on him---I got over that right away. I sighed as I decided to give Simone a call. After the third ring, she answered.

"Hey boo, what's up?" she said.

"I need uh some advice on something." I started

"About what?" she waited.

Chewing on my lip, I decided to phrase it carefully.

"I think, and hear me out. That I might have a small crush...on Daniel" I winced saying the last part as she began to scream in my ear. Pulling the phone away I could hear her being overly excited.

"Oh my god! Girl, that's so cute! I knew, knew, knew it!" she effused "You two were so cute on Halloween."

"Thanks, you've only told me that like hundred times" I laughed

"Seriously though, does he know?" she threw at me

"Uh, no? At least I don't think so" thinking it over.

"I think he does, he always looks at you a certain way. Like he in love or something with you" she teased

"He does not" I tried to deflect "We are just friends."

"Yeah, for now. Girl, just tell him. Look how well it worked for Alex and me"

"That's because he asked you out" I reminded her

"Still, just let him know. Flirt a little, shit show some skin" she giggled

"Ha, ha. As if I'd show up to school looking like that" getting somewhat self-conscious.

"As I said, just tell him or at least hint at it. Trust me, he feels the same way" she promised me.

Bidding her a good evening I hung up and sighed. Simone had a point but this wasn't your typical boy meets girl scenario. For one, I was well known and he kept to himself. Second, ever since the Natasha incident--people have been talking about him. I had to get on some girls' asses about them shit-talking him and misgendering him. I was lucky, no one could clock me but that wasn't the same case for Daniel. He kept a strong stance whenever it happened but I knew he was getting fed up. He almost got into another fight too. He was too prideful to admit to me directly when I had confronted him again. I just hoped his holidays were going best as they could. His dad probably had something special planned for the two of them. 

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