Chapter Nineteen (Daniel's POV)

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I had finished hanging up my tapestry Ari got me when mom knocked on my door. She was holding a series of paper in her hands. Going over to her, she held the papers out for me to view. Taking them it titled 'Patient Consent Form', it was from Callen Lorde. I had printed them out last January to try and get my parents to let me transfer care there for hormone treatment but they kept rejecting it. Mom had filled it out and checked off the box for transgender care. Looking up at her with flickering eyes she just had a thin smile.

"Your father and I talked, we decided to let you start your steroids or whatever it call a year early---but only if you get on a low dosage" she informed me. Nearly tearing up I jumped into her arms as she hugged me back.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you" I chanted as I kept re-reading the documents. "I got to call the clinic and see how soon they can get me an appointment"

"Already set, I had called during lunch break. You're scheduled for February 11th" she updated me. Sniffing I nodded as I laughed. This day was the best birthday ever!

"I'm so happy!" I cackled. "What made you change your minds?"

"You're nearly an adult, and we just want you to be happy. If this will make you happy, I am on board long as it's safe" she added

"It is, trusts me" I tried to convey.

"Let's see what the doctor says first" she discounted.

I didn't care to try and debate now because all I could think about was how soon I could get my first shot of T. Mom kissed my forehead as she left to go run some errands. I thought of how my dad looked, and I hoped I inherited most of his genetic pool because he was a stocky, heightened man--plus he had a goatee. Over the moon, I grabbed my phone to dial Ariel. 

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