Chapter Ten (Ariel's POV)

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Wiping off the acne formula cleaner off my face I looked in the mirror as the water dripped down my chin. Maybe my peach fuzz was darkening again but only slightly. No one should ever be that close to me either way. I looked at the rest of my face, my eyebrows were too bushy---too thick, my jawline was sharp but I had enjoyed that at times, but my adam's apple was slightly of notice. I had looked up online there was a surgery to shave it down but it sounded too painful to even think about. I would hate for it to affect my voice, and deepend it somehow. Today was a fun day though, my peers and I got candy in Ms.Victoria's class and people kept commetting on how unique my costumer was. I leaned against the sink as I patted my face with a towel. Scrolling through my phone I stopped at the photo of Dani and I today, he looked so stiff and awkward but it was sort of adorable at how clueless he was. I had send it to him and he sent back a crying face emoji. Giggling to myself I heard the bathroom door rattling, it must've been one of my sisters. Opening it, Vanessa was there leaning against the wall.

    "Finally" she said. "What took you so long? Trying on five shades of blush again?" she teased. Rolling my eyes I gave her the space, going to my room. Thankfully I had my own and didn't have to share like my sisters did. I laid back on my bed scrolling more through my socials. Simone had reposted the photo she took too, along with some of Alex and her. In a sense, we did look like a couple but honestly that'd be silly. Dani was one of my best guy friends, if not the only. That'd be too played out, dating the first guy who showed her an ounce of respect. But again, he was funny--sometimes a little cocky but he meant well always. He was still such a mystery to me though, he began to open up more now compared to the beginning but still sometimes a shy one. Simone commented earlier how he might've liked me, because he was always watching me. I hadn't picked up on it until she mentioned it and caught him staring with his friend once during lunch. Perhaps Simone had a point, but again he never made a move so she was delusional.
    I heard a knock at my door as I saw my sister Sabrina standing there holding her phone up. Sitting up she came up to me holding the device to my face. It was the photo of Daniel and I again. She smirked at me, biting her finger nail.

    "Who's this little cutie?" she began to prey. Rolling my eyes at her description of him.

    "His name is Daniel, and don't call him little." I said

    "But he's so tiny compared to you. He looks like he's 14." she kept making fun.

    "Stop seriously" I got stern.

    "How old is he even?" Sabrina aked.

    "He's 16" she made a surprised face looking at the photo.

Huffing she dropped her arm as she looked down at me. My sister Sabrina was on the volleyball team at her school, she pretty good at it too. She stood 5'9, had a square framed body, strong caves and a large bust. She was interested in alot of STEM subjects like Biologly, Robetics and Earth Sience. Compared to my sister Vanessa who was 5'7, had more of an petite shaped, she was a dancer and was always raving about how she wanted to perform on broadway. I just wanted to get through junior year, I wasn't sure what I really wanted to do post high school but my sisters were always pitching ideas to me. I had a pretty face so maybe I could do modeling gigs, and I was skilled at math so I could've also teach if I wanted. My thoughts were broken when Sabrina spoke to me.

"So, is he you know a friend or like what?" she was curious.

"Yeah we're friends"

"Cool, anyway don't forget to return my top you borrowed" she reminded me as she left. Groaning I had to remember when I had placed that. I figured it'd pop up later as I went to start my homework. I had a test for Chemistry I wasn't so confident about, and I wanted an A. By the time dinner rolled around I had took my food back to my room, to try and cramp more study time in. Mom came by to check on me.

"Hey hun, how was your day today? Did the kids like your costume?" she asked, turning in my seat I nodded my head 'yes'.

"It was good, and yeah they did. Daniel matched with me ironically"

"Oh, the boy that takes the train with you. That's fun" she commented. "But um, does he like know? About you? I just want you to be safe-"
"He knows, don't worry. He's also transgender." I told her. She arched her eye brow as she hummed.

"Oh? Interesting, so he's a girl technically" she tried to understand.

"No he's a boy" I explained. "He's a female to male transgender person"

"Ah, gotcha" she nodded her head making a confused face.

"It's fine mom, don't overthink it" I said "He's really nice"

"That's good to hear, glad you're branching out." she smiled at me, kissing my cheek and wished me a goodnight. Going back to my work I questione dif it was oaky for me to out him in that matter but it would've been more awkard trying to explain about it. My family was well meaning in that regard, my mom was over the moon to have another girl but it took my dad a bit to get on board with it. Still he's one of my biggest supports. I wonder if Daniel's family knew of me and what they think about us.

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