Chapter Seventeen

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{Christy's Outfit}

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{Christy's Outfit}

The next morning, the courtyard has been decorated with formal decorations.
Klaus is there at the second floor railing, looking at the caterers as they prepare for the evening formal gala.

"Klaus?" says Christy, and slowly walks up beside him, and gently leans on the second floor railing. "What are you up to? Stalking the caterers?"

"Why would I compel anyone?" Klaus asks Christy.

"Because compulsion is what you're good at." Christy says.

"No." Klaus says.

Christy looks at Klaus, confused. "No what?"

"No, I'm not stringing you along." Klaus says.

"I didn't asks." Christy says.

"I know, but you've been wanting to asks me ever since you and I began a romantic relationship." Klaus says. "You will be there at the evening formal gala this evening, am I right?"

"Yeah." Christy says. "I just need to take care of some things."

"Okay." Klaus says, and kisses her forehead. "I love you."

"I love you too, Klaus." Christy says, and walks away from him.



Christy walks inside and slowly walks into an aisle, gazing at some herbs and other things that the French Quarter witches uses for their magic.

"Hey, Christy." Gia says.

"Hey, Gia. How are you?" Christy asks her.

"I'm pretty good. What are you up to?" Gia asks Christy.

"Hmm? Nothing much. Just looking at some herbs." says Christy.

"Just out of curiosity, can you make daylight rings with your sorceress magic?" Gia says.

"Of course I can." Christy says. "So, who's your plus one to the evening formal gala?"

"Elijah." Gia says.

Christy smiles. "Elijah, huh? You two have spending some time together?"

Gia smiles a little. "Yeah. He and I have been spending some time each other."

"I'm happy for you and Elijah. I really am." Christy says to Gia.

Christy and Gia exchange smiles at each other.

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