Chapter Twenty One

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{Christy's Outfit}

Christy slowly walks inside the main room and looks around at the empty main room.

"Miss. LaRue?" Christy says, looks around.

"Miss. Nelson?" says Josephine LaRue, and slowly walks up to her. "To what I asks the pleasure to your visit?"

"I would like to discuss the Regent." Christy says. "At first, I wanted to, but . . . ."

"You do not want to become Regent." Josephine LaRue says, figuring out what Christy was trying to say.

"Yes, ma'am." Christy says. "Please, don't be upset with me."

"My dear sweet, Christiana, I am not upset with your answer." Josephine LaRue.

Christy gently nods at her. Josephine LaRue does the same.

         Out and about in the French Quarter . . . .

Christy is wandering around, enjoying the light warm breeze flows through her dirty blonde hair. Upon sensing her fiancé, Klaus, she stops walking and smiles softly.

"Stalker much?" Christy says to him, and slightly turns her head to Klaus.

"I know better than to sneak up on you, Little Enchantress." Klaus says in her ear and kisses her cheek. "So, how is your day so far?"

Christy turns around to look at Klaus. "It's fine. And about the Regent thing, I spoke to Josephine LaRue, and she wasn't upset about it."

"So, you declined becoming Regent?" Klaus says. "What changed your mind?"

"When a person is given power, it intends to get to them." Christy says, which Klaus becomes impressed. "And since you've told me about your skeletons in the closet, I have to tell you something as well, Klaus."

Klaus looks at Christy, worriedly. "What is it?"

"Do you recall me saying that no one is unicorns and rainbows?" Christy says.

Klaus nods. "I do."

"Well, I'm not either. I have dark magic. I never used it." Christy says. "My grandmother, Celia, had it, my mother had it, and I have it."

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