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Awkwardness was surrounding us.

I am confronting all those things that I once thought won't ever happen. Can you just believe it, I and Aryan sitting face to face and had not even shared a single word. It's been an hour now and the waiter has returned fifth time without taking our order.

I messed up hard.

I was sitting on the chair, my elbows resting at the corner of the white round table and fingers interlocked. My head bent in guilt. I remember I was three when along with my family I shifted to Delhi as dad wanted to relocate the main branch of our company. I always stayed alone. I wasn't that happy go lucky boy untill I met this man sitting infront of me. Dad and chief mixed there businesses and we started living with the Mehra's. When I first met Aryan he shooed me away as Rhea was playing with me. He didn't liked it, after all even he had only her. It was football that brought us together. Rhea wasn't interested in the sport. She was all the time busy watching those models having a ramp walk and she used to imitate them. She would have been a successful model now if not the load of planning so many strategies would have been on her shoulders.

"Is the ant size brain and ego as huge as elephant holder wants to speak or I am here just so that the Pig can stare me" My mouth gaped and eyes narrowed as the word 'Pig' fell upon my ears. Since the time he saw the picture of Pig in his science textbook he started calling me that name. Do I look like a Pig?

He forced a mile long smile at me as I screwed my face in annoyance. "How dare you call me a pig, you rhinoceros" I spat and he rolled his eyes.

"I don't mind anything said by the donkeys"

"Shut up you gorilla"

"You chimpanzee"

"And you the wild boar"

"You bison"

Suggest me with a name.

He was about to take a victory breathe but I didn't let him as I instantly spat the name of the ugliest fish, "You blobfish"

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