Part 1

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One day in the park there was a small rabbit. And not just any rabbit, it was Dimitri, a rabbit that can turn into a human. Dimitri was like any ordinary, he loved to eat vegetables, he of course was fluffy, he was extremely skittish and didn’t like contact with humans. One day Dimitri had been hopping around just nibbling on some grass when a group of little kids came running after him. Dimitri immediately started to run around trying to get away from the group of children before he ended up cornered against a brick wall. He knew he couldn’t get out, so he just let them do as they pleased. The children immediately grabbed at Dimitri and fought over who would get to hold him. Dimitri assumed they would be gentle, but they ended up hurting him. Dimitri immediately squealed loudly, not liking how rough they were being and how every part of his body was being bumped as well as squished and pinched, He just wanted to go back to eating.

Javier your typical magician was walking around. He was young at the time he found the group of kids He seen how they were fighting over Dimitri, and it angered him. So, he casted a spell, well a magic spell of course on the kids. Which only lasted a few minutes. He had used a spell that turned a couple of kids in animals to scare them off. What surprised Javier was the fact the spell worked? So, after the day he saved the white rabbit, he wasn’t the same, he became a well-known magician. And Dimitri was his buddy. Javier had fed and taken care of the rabbit boy since he saved him. So now he and Dimitri were famous people, well beings. Neither of them was human to say the least.

Dimitri was glad that Javier had saved him. He knew if it weren’t for Javier, he probably would’ve been dead. From that day forth Dimitri swore to never leave Javier’s side. He owed him immensely for his heroism somehow. As the years went on and their fame grew Dimitri’s trust had grown as well. He wasn’t so trusting with anything, but that magician had proved he was trustworthy. Dimitri didn’t mind Javier being near him or his stuff at all. The only times he didn’t want to be near Javier was when he was in heat. At the moment they had just finished a show. Dimitri looked exhausted from traveling and preforming, but that didn’t make his ordinary happy mood dwindle. He immediately walked up to Javier when they were backstage and tugged on his shirt a tiny bit. “Javi I am getting extremely tired…” Dimitri whined out. “Can you carry me around while I sleep? I really can’t wait to get back home and rest. I miss my cage at home, I don’t have to move too much, and I can burry myself in my bedding.” Dimitri mumbled. “I don’t like being on the road, I get car sick easily…” Dimitri whined out tiredly. “Can you carry me in your pocket? I like it since it’s warmed up by you.”

Javier looked down at his rabbit and saw how tired he was. He knew how the rabbit felt. He and Dimitri have been best buddies from the start and the man loved this animal. So of course, he would do anything for the Rabbit. Javier and the White rabbit had a close bond. After his show of course he was backstage. When he felt and listened to his animal he nodded. Picking his rabbit up his rabbit, he placed a kiss on his head before putting them in his pocket. “Get some rest Dimitri. I will take you home. Just give me an hour tops to finish packing.” He said with a kind tone. Javier has always kept his word. Never once has the famous Magician lied to his pet. So, after he finished, it had been 34 minutes straight and the trip home was about 3-4 hours away. He knew the poor rabbit got car sick. “Alright bunny we can head home.” He stated and walked out the place with his bags.

Dimitri was excited when he was told they were going back home. His little tail wagged a tiny bit while he immediately turned into a little white rabbit. Dimitri immediately jumped into Javier’s hand then as he was in his pocket, he got comfortable and fell asleep. When Javier was done packing Dimitri woke up slightly and poked his head out of Javier’s pocket. He looked up at Javier before leaning his head on the opening of the pocket. He immediately fell back asleep feeling all happy and comfortable. Around half an hour later Dimitri woke up back up. He looked up at Javier and immediately tried climbing out of his pocket.

Javier smiled at his little rabbit. So, he took the struggling animal out of his pocket and placed him in the front seat of his truck. Javier was the quiet type not one to speak. “Hey Dimitri, we still have a few more hours till we get home. You sure you don’t wanna sleep some more?” He asked the rabbit curiously. As you can tell he was a kind man not someone blinded by fame and glory. And he knew to stay clear of the rabbit when they were in heat. But then again, he had ways of knowing when the rabbit was gonna start their heat. He had senses, some related to his magical abilities.

Dimitri looked up at Javier before turning to his humanly form. “I can’t sleep anymore.” He mumbled softly. “I am sorta hungry, can we stop for a bit.” Dimitri asked as he was tiredly leaned against Javier. “I need to stretch my legs they as well. They feel stiff.” Dimitri mumbled some more. “Javi, can I ask you something really quick.?” Dimitri sat up and looked at Javier. “If you did end up finding a mate, would you set me free? I like being by your side, but I think my humanly form will make them feel awkward…” Dimitri asked as a slightly saddened look came across his face. “I had a bad dream where you let me free in the woods just because your mate didn’t like me… I then was found by my brother… you know the situation between us…”

Javier has never been the one to like females as much as males, but he dated one, which they ended up using Javier for money. “Look bunny, I can say this.” He started. “Your happiness is my goal. If I find a mate, they will have to accept you first before I accept them.” He stated as he looked at his saddened bunny. “And yes, I know your situation with your brother.” He stated as he pulled into a gas station. “I will go get you something to eat, you go stretch your legs.” He said in a caring tone. He didn’t want to let his bunny free. If anything, he would choose Dimitri to be his forever lover.

Dimitri gave a Javier a soft nod as he was assured, he would never be set free. He honestly liked Javier more than friends, but he wanted to hide his likings. As soon as they stopped Dimitri jumped out the truck and walked around in the shadows so he wouldn’t be seen. As soon as he was done stretching his legs he immediately hopped into the vehicle and changed back to rabbit form. He started hopping around on the passenger seat while he waited for Javier to come back. While waiting for Javier somebody peered into the window on the passenger side and started banging on it. Dimitri immediately jumped from the seat and hid beneath it.

Javier could sense the distress, so he paid for everything and just bloody teleported to the truck. “Get the hell away from my vehicle.” He said as he looked bloody dangerous when he was pissed. He knew how to control his magic, but there were times where he’d use it for self-defense.  “If you don’t leave, I will harm you.” He said as he glared. Javier’s aura was going dark and becoming visible. He just hoped it was enough to scare the guy off. Some people knew not to piss him off others faced their consequences

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