Part 3

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Dimitri let out a soft giggle as he finished his salad. "Javi, I've been through a ton of heats that were terrible, you don't have to worry about me when I'm in heat." Dimitri smiled softly while he set his container aside before jumping into Javier's lap and turned back into a rabbit. He immediately laid down and buried himself in the Alpha's shirt. His tail wiggled as he slowly started to fall back asleep. Dimitri let out a soft giggle as he finished his salad.

Javier was focused on getting home. He was getting tired, and he had about another 2 hours to go before they even hit the house. He sighed and saw a hotel up ahead. Deciding to just pull in he picked up his rabbit and carried them inside. He paid for a room and went there. “Hey Dimitri wake up please.” He said softly to wake up his sleepy bunny. He needed him to wake up and get comfortable on the bed. Since Javier needed the other to get changed as well, He was sure the poor bunny was uncomfortable in his clothes.

Dimitri slowly woke up to Javier's voice. He opened his eyes a bit before turning back into his humanly form. He let out a soft groan as he immediately clung to the Alpha. "I wanna cuddle..." Dimitri mumbled. He let out soft whines as he tried to pull the Alpha into bed with him. He soon felt defeated when he couldn't pull the Alpha in bed. He just sat up and let out soft whines. "Why did master wake me up?" Dimitri mumbled out tiredly. "I was having an amazing dream about Master."

Javier went red in the face from the name “Dimitri you don’t need to call me Alpha or Master. I will never make you call me those names.” He said as he didn’t want the other to be calling him that. Javier then looked at his sleepy bunny when they mentioned a dream about him. “I am sorry bunny.” He said in an apologetic tone. He really felt bad for waking up his White Rabbit. Javier had resisted the bunny’s pull to the bed. Since he needed to change out of his performance clothes.

Dimitri let out a soft while as he opened his eyes a bit more. "But you're my alpha. Why can't I call you alpha when you're already my alpha." Dimitri sat up straight while he let out a soft yawn. "I'm sorry for calling you master but you're actually my alpha. Of course, I'm going to call you Alpha." Dimitri proceeded to stand up completely before walking to their bag to grab his favorite onesie. "My dream about Alpha was lovely, I was Cinderella and you were prince charming. It was magical." Dimitri giggled as he started stripping himself of his performance clothes as well before putting on his onesie. He honestly didn't care it the Alpha saw him half naked, he had the Alpha help him wash up a couple of times, so he really wasn't shy.

Javier smiled at his bunny. “Ima jump in the shower and I will be back.” He said with a smile. Though the smile was from when the rabbit explained his dream. Now seeing the rabbit change out wasn’t odd. But now with them being mates and all. It just made his hunger grow. Now Javier wasn’t one to just attack for his needs. Hell, he doesn’t really have any needs. But Javier wasn’t gonna stand by and take action. No, he will make his bunny plead for his help. Now it sounds cruel yes but that was the way he was. “Bunnies get comfortable I won’t be in long.” He said with a gentle smile.

Dimitri gave Javier a soft nod as he put his onesie on. "Ok Alpha." Dimitri looked at Javier and gave him a soft smile as soon as his onesie was zipped up. "Don't take too long though, I can't get comfortable without you." Dimitri let out a large yawn before trying to find his bunny slippers. "When Alpha is done in the shower, I'm going to cuddle with you and never let go!" Dimitri giggled happily as he put his slippers on.

Javier smiled and went to the shower. Once he was undressed and everything, he hopped in the shower. The shower was at least 15 minutes to 20 minutes, so it wasn’t that long. Once Javier was done in the shower he just threw on a pair of shorts and went to his rabbit. “Bunny I am done.” He said as he looked at Dimitri. Javier would never do anything to the bunny even if he wanted to.

As soon as Javier came back Dimitri was just sitting on the edge of the bed watching TV. The tv appeared to be playing some sort of romance movie. Dimitri looked at Javier before his face turned a bright red. Dimitri had seen Javier shirtless multiple times but this time it had felt different. Dimitri immediately looked away from Javier to hide his bright red face. "A-alright Alpha." Dimitri squeaked out. "Can we cuddle now? I've been waiting patiently for Alpha to get back." Dimitri asked.

Javier giggled and crawled up on the bed and smiled. He then laid down and covered up. Waiting for his White rabbit to crawl over to him, so he teleported a small chapter book to him. It was more of a documentary on rabbits. One of his favorite things to read. Javier wanted to know everything on the rabbit species even if Dimitri was a different type of rabbit. He still wanted to know more.

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