Away from everyone

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This is when Prachi was at the doctor's for her check-up after Lohri.

As she laid on the bed, she was just hoping that everything should be fine: that her baby was okay. Her belly has been hurting for some days and now it was worrying her.

The doctor started to check her and noticed how she was tensed.
Doctor:"Mrs. Kohli, please relax..."
She nodded yes but was still tensed. She didn't want her baby to suffer. Her baby was the only one who was only hers. It is the only reason for her to keep going.

First, the doctor took her blood pressure and noted the result.
She proceeded to do the ultrasound and applied the cold gel on her belly. Prachi shivered at the coldness.

At the same time, Ranbir entered the cabin, but due to the curtain, Prachi was hidden from him.

Ranbir, confused seeing the empty cabin, called out for the doctor.
Hearing his voice, Prachi grew tensed.

Prachi, to herself:"what is Ranbir doing here? If he sees me.... No, no."
Doctor, besides Prachi:"Mr. Kohli, i told you to wait as i am checking someone."

Ranbir:"Doctor, i am sorry, actually i was in a hurry. And i just needed to pick up the medicines. I thought it will be for some minutes only. Sorry."

Doctor:"you should say sorry to her. You came in between her check-up."
Ranbir:"ohh, i am sorry, ma'am and don't worry, everything will be fine."

Prachi turned teary eyed and emotional hearing him but somehow his words made her calm down a little bit.
He was about to leave when the doctor put the little machine on her belly and the room was filled with the baby's heartbeat.

Hearing their little baby's heartbeat, they both had mixed emotions.
Prachi was very happy and was smiling but most importantly it was a sign that he was okay.
Ranbir, on the other side, was emotional. His eyes turned glossy with tears.
There was an unknown happiness in him. He himself was confused at what was happening to him.

Why was he getting emotional about this?
He wasn't aware that it was actually his baby's heartbeat. But his heart knew it.

He wiped his tears that escaped his eyes and looked at them confused.

Doctor:" this is your baby's heartbeat."
Prachi cried in happiness.

Doctor:"let's go out. I will give you all the details."
She nodded and got up slowly. The doctor came out of the curtain and spotted Ranbir.
Doctor:"Mr. Kohli, you didn't leave."

Prachi was tensed that he was still here and waited to go out.
Ranbir, emotionally:"sorry, i just wanted to the heartbeat."
Prachi turned emotional once more hearing it. How she wished she didn't have to hide this from him. How she wished he was with her at every step of her pregnancy.
She wiped her tears and waited for him to leave.

Outside the doctor handed Ranbir the medicines and he left.
Only then Prachi came out of the curtain.

The doctor asked her to sit and proceeded to read her file and the details of the check-up.

After a few minutes, she began telling Prachi. But as she was about to speak, the door bursted open. The doctor and Prachi both turned.
Prachi grew shocked seeing Ranbir while he mirrored her expression.

Ranbir, shocked:"Prachi?"
She was tensed seeing him, and the doctor looked in between them.
Doctor:"Mr. Kohli, is there something wrong with the medicines?"
Ranbir, still confused and baffled:"no, actually i left my phone."
He pointed to his phone on the table.

Ranbir:"Prachi, what are you doing here?"
Doctor:"are you her husband?"
He nodded yes.
Prachi was tensed. This was not the time thar he should know. He doesn't believe her and still think that she cheated.
What if he misunderstand this?

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