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Well, this SS didn't actually had a second part.
I had thought to end it there only; with the cliffhanger.
But since it got so many comments and requests for a second part, I had to do it.

Thank you for everything guys❤️

She sighed seeing the mansion in front of her. She was here 2 days ago, helping the rude CEO catch his enemy.

But today, she was here for a different reason; a more personal one.
His grandparents had invited her for breakfast.

Breakfast because they knew her schedule of night shifts. She just went home to shower and then hit the road to come here.

Prachi, to herself: "Why didn't you refuse, Prachi?"

She couldn't refuse his grandmother despite Ranbir's hard and threatening glare. His grandmother looked at her with so much hope and expectations, she didn't have the heart to refuse.

That was the reason she had to come here today; for breakfast with the youngest business of the country.

Her fingers touched the doorbell and she waited a few seconds. One of their servants opened it and let her in.
She heard a few commotion in the kitchen and the servant led her there.

The scene in the kitchen lifted her mood instantly. The two boys who were usually dressed in business attire wore aprons and were making breakfast.
Not only that, but they were taking orders from their grandmother.

She couldn't help but chuckled at that and this caught Ranbir's attention. His glare turned murderous when it landed on her.
She knew the reason too well; she was the reason his grandmother was making them do that.

But she couldn't help enjoy seeing them like that.
His grandmother: "Prachi... You are already here. Thank God... These boys definitely can't take orders."
Prachi dropped her bag on the small table and approached the elder lady.

Prachi, politely: "Do you want me to help?"
Grandmother: "Oh no! You are our guest. These boys need to know their way around the kitchen."
The ladies' eyes moved to the boys who were doing everything upside down.

The beautiful kitchen looked like a battlefield right now. They weren't cooking, they were at war with the ingredients and vegetables.
Aryan: "Dadi... Why is cooking so hard?"
Ranbir, sternly: "Put the salt..."
Aryan, teasingly: "Yes Boss..."

Prachi's smile grew on watching the dynamic between Arbir. They didn't look like PA and Boss... they seemed more like friends; in fact best friends.
The nickname was surely an endearment from Aryan.

The boys continued to follow their grandmother's orders and messing it up. At one point, they were arguing with a packet in their hands.
As they pulled the packet, it splashed everywhere and the powdery ingredients spilt everywhere; mostly their faces.

Dadi and Prachi couldn't control their laughter; they bursted in an uncontrollable laughing fit.
The boys glared at them and soon the powder landed on Prachi as well.

Her laughter died out and she looked at the boys. Ranbir was the one who threw it at her and now they were into a glaring competition.

None of them backed off from it as they held each other's gaze.
Aryan smiled at their little interaction. He had full hopes of them getting along and maybe them getting together.

They heard footsteps entering the kitchen and all four pairs of eyes turned to the entrance. Their grandfather stood there with a strict look as his eyes went over the battlefield created by the boys.

His eyes stopped on Prachi and then moved to the boys.
"This isn't the way to treat guests."

The boys' eyes moved to the floor embarrassedly but their grandmother stood in.
"They were just joking around. Boys, go freshen up and Ranbir, take Prachi with you."

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