Trust the timing of your life (2)

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Three years later:

Dressed in a formal attire consisting of a grey suit, white shirt and a white sneaker, the individual walked into a huge building. The person showed the interview email and the receptionist directed the individual to the appropriate floor.

Fidgeting with her butterfly bracelet, Prachi walked into the elevator. She pressed the top button and waited anxiously.

Prachi, to herself: "God

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Prachi, to herself: "God... please help me get this one job... Please..."
As the elevator's door opened, she came face to face with several girls just like her waiting to be interviewed. While some were professionally dressed, 2/3 of them came out directly from a fashion show.

She passed some girls and sat in one of the chairs. She checked her file one again although she had done it several times the day before.

A girl came out of the cabin angrily and left puffing. But what was more weird that it happened with the next few girls as well.
Prachi started to get tensed as her chances were already slim.

"I heard that he is really cute..."
She heard one of the girls saying. She didn't want to listen to the gossips but she had nothing to do right now.
Another girl: "yeah but we never saw him before... along with cuteness, he is very strict apparently."

Realizing that the boss might be very tough and that the interview would most definitely be difficult as well, she gulped nervously. Her fingers went to the little butterflies suspended and she nervously played with it.

"Miss P. Khanna please follow me..."
She stood up and followed the woman towards the conference room.

As soon as the door flew open, she plastered a smile on her face and walked in confidently.
Her eyes went to the people inside the room.
There was a boy around her age, an elderly man and the woman who just called her in.
There was another seat right in the middle. But the chair was turned towards the window. The individual was completely covered by the chair.

Prachi greeted them politely and walked to the table.
While she was sitting, the boy present whispered to the individual which Prachi couldn't see.

"Miss Khanna, why do you want to work for my company?"
She was questioned by the person whose face was still unknown to her.
However, the familiarity in his voice surprised her. She was thoughtful for a second but then replied.

"Your company is amongst the best of the country and working with professionals like you people will benefit me. I will grow as an individual and soon will be an asset for your company."

The person fell silent for a moment and the boy next to him looked at him.

With a strict voice: "Everyone, out..."
Th familiarity faded away for Prachi and she looked on tensed.
Recalling the girl's' comments on the strictness of this particular person, Prachi was tensed.

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