Bet (1)

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This chapter is dedicated to Sudha1234nn. Hope you will like it dear. Another long chapter (nearly 7000 words) 😳😳😳

And it's just the first part. I have to cut it in two parts.
Enjoy the longest read.

Do drop your thoughts and criticism as well.
Thank you to everyone💗💗💗💗

That was the only word Ranbir could utter as he couldn't believe what he just heard.

The person looked at him confused as to why he was shocked.
Ranbir, still digesting what was being said:"do you realise what you are telling me to do? That's so wrong, Rhea."

Only someone like Rhea could ask him to do that. He was finding it so wrong even hearing it.
He knows the enmity between them but he didn't expect Rhea to take it to such level.

Rhea:"why are you so shocked, Ranbir? This will be easy for you. I know she is not worthy of your attention but you can do this for me, right?"
Ranbir looked at her.

Rhea:"you will have to do this if you want to become my boyfriend. Prove me to what length you can go to be with me... is it that hard for you to do something for me?"

Ranbir, nervously:"Rhea, i want us to be a couple as it will be good for our reputation in college.... But what you are asking me...
I don't know."

Rhea:"oh, come on, Ranbir.... Think about it and let me know. Because you are not the only boy who wants to be my boyfriend."
She left from there leaving him deep in thoughts.

Ranbir joined the party again, still lost in his thoughts.
He heard someone chuckling and looked in that direction. Amongst all this noise, only her laughs caught his attention.

He looked at how she was laughing with his mother and Dida while serving them something.
How could he do that?

Someone tapped his shoulders and his eyes moved to the culprit.
Aryan, jokingly:"you went to propose to Rhea and here you are admiring Prachi."
Ranbir, defensively:"Shut up, I am not admiring her.... I am glaring at her...."
Aryan:"if this is glaring, I wonder how admiring will be..."
He chuckled.
Aryan:"how did it go with Rhea?"

Ranbir:"Prachi is irritating and annoying, she keeps fighting with me but she doesn't deserve this..."
His voice faded slowly towards the end so Aryan couldn't hear him.
Meanwhile, he recalled what Rhea asked him.

Rhea:"if you want me to accept your proposal. Let's make a bet.
You make Prachi fall in love with you, make her agree to sleep with you and then you break her heart mercilessly. Then, we can be together. She should suffer for slapping me."

Aryan:"Bro, where are you lost?"
Aryan's voice brought him back to reality.
Ranbir nodded no, meaning nothing.

Ranbir:"what were you saying?"
Aryan:"I was asking how did it go with Rhea?"
Ranbir, lying:"I didn't get the chance to talk to her. She is always surrounded by her friends."

Aryan:"ok, you will find other opportunities. I still don't think it's a good idea though."
Ranbir looked at him:"what do you mean?"
Aryan:"you getting together with Rhea just for you guy's reputation.
What if you fall in love with someone else?"

Ranbir didn't realise when his eyes shifted behind Aryan as Prachi came in view, serving some other guests.
Ranbir, overwhelmed with his thoughts:"let's go to the terrace. I need a beer."
Aryan happily agreed. They left from there.

Simultaneously, Prachi and Shahana were helping Pragya and Saritaji with the catering.
Pragya:"Prachi, the helpers put some drinks upstairs on the terrace, go bring it. It won't be enough. Take a helper with you, it's heavy."

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