Love beyond limits (9)

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In a café:
Shahana: "So, you are now dating him?"
Prachi had to tell her friends and while Aryan was the happiest, Shahana was still skeptical about it.

Prachi looked at her and nodded yes.
'I know why you are sceptical, but he isn't bad at all.'
Shahana, huffing: 'If you like him, then I have no problem, Prachi. Your happiness first.'

This earned her a huge smile from her best friend and she was quickly engulfed in a hug.
Prachi, happily: 'I love you so much, Shahana...'
Shahana: 'But if he ever hurts you, I will hurt him even more.'
Prachi, joyfully, nodded yes. She was sure that he wouldn't hurt her.

After her meeting with Shahana, Prachi was heading home when her phone started to ring. Seeing Ranbir's name, she instantly grew excited.

But she reprimanded herself: 'What is wrong with you, Prachi? He is only calling you, not kissing you...'

As soon as the word 'kiss' clicked, she went to the time where she had actually kissed him and she couldn't shake the tingling feeling on her lips.

The ringtone of her phone brought her back to present and she shook her head in order to stop those thoughts.
Ranbir: 'Hey, Babygirl...'

The nickname made her blush but she tried her best to stay calm and she replied.

Ranbir: 'Do you have something planned for tonight?'

Prachi, teasingly: 'I have a date...' She waited for him to sound a bit jealous but nothing came from the other side as he was waiting for her to continue her sentence.

Prachi: 'A date with my bed because I am going to sleep...'
Ranbir, playfully: 'Well, you will have to postpone that date for a bit later because you have another date with me before.'
She was pleasantly surprised by that and she already grew excited.

Ranbir, nervously: 'That is if you want to go out with me.'
She knew he was very much introvert and would sometimes doubt himself about these things.

Prachi: 'Of course I will go out with you... You don't need to hesitate to ask me that, Ranbir.'
She heard a little chuckle from him and continued: 'So, what how should I dress? Comfortable or dress like something?'

Ranbir: 'I already sent your clothes to your house. It would be by the door when you reach.'
Prachi, happily: 'Perks of having a designer boyfriend. Thank you.'

Ranbir: 'I will pick you by seven.' She said yes and they hung up. Excitement of seeing her clothes he probably designed made her hurry home.

At 7 pm,
Ranbir stopped his car in front of her house and climbed down. He walked to her door and was about to knock when he recalled how he used to barge in.

He couldn't believe that he no longer had to do that. Smilingly, he knocked onto her door. He heard footsteps approaching the door and her voice also came: 'Coming...'

Not even a second later, the door opened, he was about to greet her but all words disappeared as soon as his eyes landed on her.

The white dress that he had specifically made for her complimented her body in every way. The short dress stopped at her thighs and hugged her figure perfectly from her waist.
The sleeves were made of ribbons and were tied in a bow on both sides. She had let her hair open with her ends slightly curled. She looked exceptional in the end.

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