A War and a Wedding

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Aella clenched her teeth as the screams of the Kings latest victim echoed through the palace, her eyes landed on Jaimie Lannister who as always was forced to guard the door.

 In the past months Aella and Jamie had become friends, he had sworn his allegience to Elia and her children and now they waited for the fallout of the war that took place outside.

Kingslanding had become a place of despair, no one was safe and no one was sure they would live another day.

Aella continued past Jaime to the barracks that she typically shared with her brothers, but only her younger brother remained in King landing. "What news?"

Faramir looked up from the letter he had been reading "Lorn says they are safe at dragonstone, The Queen is doing much better... But its doubtful she will survive the birth."

Aella sighed removing her helmet "So much death. I wish we could have gotten Elia and children away from here."

"We've done the best we could sister, now we must hope for the best."

Aella nodded staring at her brothers with pain in her eyes... When they got the news that Rhaeger was dead it was her that told Elia, she had held the princess as she cried.. Then when Aella had returned to her room she had finally broke down, mourning the death of her best friend and the man she had known should be King.

The world was slowly falling apart around them


Aella and Faramir stood guard outside the nursery when Elia came running up to them "We are saved!"

The two siblings looked at each other in confusion before asking "What is it?"

"Your father and the Lannisters have arrived with a large host of men, the King is about to let them in."

Elia watched as joy crossed Faramirs face, he looked to his sister just as the sound of battle rang out from outside

"Go to Jaime! I'll protect them." Aella ordered and Faramir nodded taking off towards the throne room where he knew Jaime would need help if  Aerys used the Wildfire.

Aella ushered Elia inside the nursery grabbing the children she shoved them all into the corner and ran to the balcony to look out.

Her fathers orange and green armored men and the Lannisters Red and Gold fought side by side. Her fathers plan was for his men to teach the Keep first where he would help place Aegon on the throne.

If Ellrias of House Caspian placed a child on the throne it would be respected, but only if it was him. Aella paced the room blocking out the cries of Rhaenys, suddenly the door crashed open!

Aella drew her sword staring in horror at the monster that entered the room, followed by a few other guards all wearing the red and gold of House Lannister. Her father had been betrayed

The Mountain sneered at the helmet covered woman in front of him, he had been ordered not to touch her "Move girl!"

Aella didnt respond she simply dropped into a defensive stance and waited, The Mountain and his men attacked.

If they had fought like true men Aella would have won easily, but they didn't they fought dirty. Encircling the girl they attacked her all at once, Aella fought the best she could taking down two of the four men. It was when The Mountain grabbed her by the head and slammed her into a wall with so much force that she blacked out that the fight was over.

Meanwhile in the throne room Faramir and Jamie were killing the last of the pyromancers, when it was over they looked around at the bodies laying about them including the body of their King.

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