Chapter Twenty

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"Are you ready!" Yelled Alex. "No, can you please help me find a good dress to wear!" I yelled back.

Alex came in and looked at my wardrobe and said,"Why don't you have party dresses?" "Well, I brought one but I don't think it's good, I left all my dresses home." I replied. "You can borrow one of my dresses then." She offered. "Ok." I said.

"So how about this one?" She asked, handing me a dress. It was black and too open at the back and too short. "No, it's too short." I said, handing the dress back to her. "Ok.... this one!" She yelled happily. "This will be perfect for you." she said. She gave me a mid thigh dress. It was black. I entered the bathroom and changed into it. I looked into the body length mirror and my eyes widened. It was absolutely beautiful. I love the dress and it goes with my makeup perfectly.

I got out and Alex's jaw dropped. "You look absolutely stunning! Omg Diana everyone's eyes will be on you." She said. I really like Alex, she's a really good roommate.

"Well, let's get going." Alex said. I grabbed my black Dior purse and put my phone in it. I grabbed my white cardigan and my keys, even though Alex took her own, maybe she won't come back till tomorrow.

We closed the door and then I asked,"So, who's taking us? Harry or Liam?" "Liam is... oh look he's right there!" Alex yelled happily as she ran to him and hugged him. I smiled at them then walked over to them. "Hi Liam." I said then hugged him. "How are you doing Diana?" He asked. "I'm fine, how about you?" We chatted a bit till we finally left.

"Here it is!" Yelled Liam excitedly. Liam parked the car and we went down. We knocked at the door and the door opened, I looked up to see Louis. "Oh, my, Lou-Louis, h-how, w-when." I was speechless. I then jumped and hugged him, he was one of my best friends. "I miss you!" I screamed into his ear. "Oh my gosh! You made me deaf!" He yelled jokingly.

Someone suddenly tapped my shoulder. I turned around and saw Nancy smiling at me. "N-n-nancy! Y-you are h-here too?!" Again I was speechless, my best friend is here! I jumped and hugged her tightly. "I miss you soooo much Nancy!" I yelled. "Diana! We have a huge announcement to tell you!" She said, she looked excited. "You and Louis are getting married?" I asked. "No! I got into AUN too! And Louis did! We studied so hard and did the test, just so I can be here! And we made it!" She yelled. "OMG I'M SO HAPPY!!" I screamed delightedly.

"Umm Nancy, let me go get Harry, if I can find him." I said. I walked inside and saw a crowd of people surrounding something. I think it was a fight. I went over and tried to get my way through the crowd. As soon as I was in front, I saw two boys fighting, Zayn and Harry. Harry was on top of Zayn, punching him hard. "Harry! Stop! Please don't hurt him! Harry!" I shouted. Then people came through the crowd, it was Louis and Liam. They went and separated the two boys.

Louis held Harry and Liam held Zayn. I then made my way past the crowd and ran. Harry ran after me and grabbed my wrist and brought me close to him. "Why... Why, all the time that we come to a party, anytime that I want to enjoy, there'll be a fight between you and Zayn, why? Why can't you let me have fun for just one night? Why?!" I cried.

"Shhhh... baby, don't cry." Harry whispered in my ear as he gave me a tight, loving hug. I didn't hug back though, I pushed him away and continued, "Why did you fight with Zayn, huh? Why? I thought that coming to college will change everything, I thought that there won't be any problems. Why is this so hard?" I cried. "I have to go." I said.

I walked over to Nancy and Alex. "Awwwww baby..." Nancy said, giving me a hug. "Why can't I have fun, just one night Nancy, one freakin' night, there must be a problem, even prom, my dream was to be like a princess when I was young, and prom night turned out to be the worst night ever." I kept on crying.

I went back inside and saw a girl comforting Zayn. She was sitting on his lap. Her hair colour was red, her eye colour was blue, and she was wearing a tight, short dress. Alex came to me and asked, "Who you staring at?" "Look at them, she's cleaning his wounds, they're so, so close, just look." I said, pointing at them. Alex looked and gasped, "That's Maya! She's been talking a lot about Zayn lately." "Oh."

Maya got up and held Zayn's hand then he got up. He held her on the waist tightly. They walked out with a bottle of vodka. Hold on... Zayn doesn't drink. Oh my gosh he changed.

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