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Leaning against the doorway wearing her signature leather jacket Hope gives a cocky look to Caroline who's sitting in bed with nothing on but lingerie

Removing her jacket Hope gives a hunger look walking towards Caroline as she stops midway slowly unzipping her jeans letting out her cock

Keeping her eyes locked on Caroline she starts rubbing her cock seeing the blonde getting aroused

Caroline gets up not caring about how little she's wearing and runs up to Hope pulling the young girl in sex filled kiss

The try to overpower the other tearing each other's clothes off

Caroline jolts up in bed seeing that she just had a sex dream about hope and it was very inappropriate

Looking from her window the view shows hope working out in her room throwing some hits at her punch bag

Showing her muscles flex shaking the thought Caroline averts her eyes back away from the window across her house

Josie is waiting for her ice cream when she feels someone tap her shoulder

Looking behind she finds hope looking

"Great it's you again"

"You bailed on our assignment"

The man hands the ice cream out to josie grabbing her attention

Paying him she turns back to hope continuing their chat

"I had other interest"

"What like snogging your boyfriend"

Hope watches as josie stops licking her ice cream

"If you got time wanna let me try to get some action I mean from the way your licking that ice cream id say you know what your doing"

Josie smacks hope across the face


"That's for being a perv"

"I wasn't being a perv I was just observing"

Walking away hope catches up to josie

"What do u want"

"For you to do the work with me and properly this time"

"Fine but after this you leave me alone got it"

looking pleased hope holds up her hands

"Cross my heart princess"

Turning away from her josie rolls her eyes as she takes a left

Over at hope's josie waits by the front door ringing the doorbell

Hope answers it with a wide grin beckoning the girl in

"Please do come in"

Josie walks in

"I think it's a bit too late for manners"

"Come on josie I'm trying"

"So hope where do u wanna do this project"

"My room"

They both head upstairs

Entering hope's room josie notices a picture frame which looks to be a younger Hope with her parents

"How cute... is this you"

"Yeah it is"

Trying to get to her cupboard hope tries to move past josie as their shoulders brush

Taking a seat on the edge of the bed josie looks around the room

Getting the best of her interests she takes a peak under the bed

A box is their she reaches for it grabbing it

Opening it she finds some magazines

Full of dirty pictures of naked girls and information on sex

The girl blushes but rolls her eyes at hope's taste

Quickly putting it back as she hears hope come back

"Is everything alright"

"Yeah everything's great"

Hope joins her with some papers and notices josie staring at her


The girl pulls out the magazine showing it to Hope who looks caught out but covers it with a infuriated look

"You shouldn't be going through my private stuff"

"Oh hope I didn't know you were such sex pest"

Not liking josie having the upper hand hope jumps at her as they both drop down in a awkward position with hope on top of josie 

Josie feels something harden on her looking up she sees it's hope's cock

It shows a massive boner as hope gets up putting it out of view turning away from the brunette

"I didn't mean to...

The girl comes behind her surprising hope and brings up her face now facing her

Seeing the girl hope leans in kissing her as josie pushes her away

"Hope I've got a boyfriend"

"I know but don't deny there's isn't something between us"

They just stare at each other before josie

"Fuck it"

The girl gives into temptation tearing hope's shirt off smacking their lips together

Hope gets to the bed straddling josie as she lifts her up rubbing her legs

She then unhooks josie's bra as she touches her breast nibbling at it bringing pleasure to the girl

Wanting to give something back josie gets down and looks at hope's dick touching the tip

With her mouth she takes the long thick cock going at a pace as hope moans rolling her eyes back taking it satisfied at josie sucking her dick

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