Pizza Delivery

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At a house hope waits for someone to open up holding a medium sized pizza

Hope rings the bell once more calling out

"Pizza delivery"

Josie appears surprising hope

It's the first time they've seen each other in weeks since they're breakup


"God what are u doing here Mikaelson"

"Nothing I'm here to deliver an order at this address so what are u doing"

"I'm with a friend it's his house and he made the order we both were watching a film together"

"Right...look Jo I'm sorry for how things ended but you should know you deserve better"

"I know that"

"I don't blame you for hating me but I hope we could still be civil"

"Honestly Hope what you did to me was a dick move I need time"

"I understand"

Just then Landon stands by Josie and Hope doesn't seem to miss the chemistry between them

"Sorry here's your order"


Landon takes his wallet out as he pays Hope then turns to Josie

The both share the pizza together on the sofa as landon tells Josie some jokes making her laugh so much making her nearly drop of the sofa

"Okay wanna pick the next film or wanna do something else"

"I don't know what do u have in mind"

"Get dressed and don't wear anything fancy cause where we're going is gonna get messy"

Landon takes Josie to the fun station to play paint balling at first the brunette is hesitant as she's never played before but with Landon guiding she thinks she can get the hang of it

"Okay we're on opposite teams but still I'll help you out before the game begins"

"Thank god I've never done this before"

A couple of kids come up rounding in two groups Josie joins the red team while Landon joins the blue he holds up a hand to Josie as she winks at him pointing a gun

The sound comes as the paint balling battle commences

Everyone begins shooting Josie ducks from a boy before aiming at him scaring him off

Fifteen minutes in and a most of the kids have been eliminated

Only leaving the two teenagers surviving

Landon touches her shoulder making Josie flinch as her reflex kicks in making her kick him in the leg

"Damn it!"

Turning around seeing the boy Josie goes to his aid putting down her paint balling gun

"Landon I'm so sorry are u okay"

He then gets up with his gun walking towards her

Josie feels her back up the wall as the boy is close to her face before kneeling down with his head looking up

"I'm giving you a free shot"


"I want you too"

Josie takes victory as she finally points the gun at Landon hits him with paint

"I won I won I WON" the brunette scream proudly

Landon looks at the girl dancing around happy to have won

She looks back to Landon a bit confused why he let her take a shot when he could've of so easily taken her out

"Why did you do that for me lan"

"Because I wanted you to know that your deserved to be worshiped and contended with happiness"

"That's so sweet"

And it was coming for a long time

Josie breaks the tension and makes the move of kissing the boy as he kisses her back hungrily sharing they're first kiss the brunette doesn't care if he's covered in paint

Like coming back to reality they pull away


"Landon I'm sorry I can't do this"

Josie runs away in panic touching her lips

Stefan finds Lizzie with her headphones in the kitchen reading a magazine

"Lizzie it's one am in the night u should get some sleep"

"Dad I'm reading seventeen and before u ask mom is upstairs sleeping after going mad crazy about not finding any pickles"

"Oh man I knew I forgot something"

Quickly walking out of the kitchen getting his keys he heads to his car driving of to the twenty four hour store

In her sleep Caroline stirs as she hears her phone buzz

A message from Hope

Before the phone rings

rubbing her eyes she grabs it answering it getting up

"Hello sugar momma"

"Hope don't you ever stop the pleasantries"

"What I know your smiling now"

And she was right Caroline did have a smile as hope sweet talked her

"It's getting late what do u want"

"I just wanted to her your hot pregnant voice baby girl"

A twist in her stomach as Caroline feels urges hearing Hope call her baby girl

"You know I actually got so angry today that I couldn't find any pickles it's one of my cravings"

"Wait I'll get back to you"

The line gets cut

Twenty minutes Caroline's been up wondering why hope cut the line maybe she's seeing a girl oh gosh who am I to think about hope's personal life it's none of my business now thinking to just fall asleep trying to forget about it

The window bangs

Caroline gets up to find Hope at it with a jar of finely fresh pickles

The blonde let's hope in as she holds up the jar of pickles that she's been so craving with her pregnancy

Out of breathe Hope hands over the jar

"I walked all the way to the supermarket to get you this"

"Oh hope you really didn't have too"

"Caroline I want you to know I'm here for the baby and for you any time you need me day or night"

Not knowing what to say Caroline kisses Hope it's not like the other kisses it's sweet and innocent like showing how grateful she is

"Thank you that's very kind of you Hope"

"No problem but I better go now"

"Yeah of course"

Taking the window again Hope slides down making it to the ground and heads back across the street to her house while the women watches on with curiosity

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2023 ⏰

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