It Takes Effort

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A sharply dressed hope buttons her blazer walking in the high building

Looking for a job Hope has gotten ready for this interview and has been practicing her words

Closing her eyes hope does a cross sign to the big man above before knocking on the office door

A blonde haired pretty girl welcomes her in allowing her to take a seat in waiting for the boss

As time goes Hope starts to fidget with her handkerchief whilst checking her watch

Across the cute blonde secretary waves smiling to which Hope waves back

"The Ma'am would like to see you now"

"Woo wish me luck"

Entering the room Hope sees a red headed women with a cunning look looking busy into her computer as the young teen walks towards the boss

"Ms Aurora"

looking away from her screen she takes a good look at the person in front staring with a thought

"We'll I've see you want to work here at my company"

"Yes and I want to give you my application"

The woman takes the sheet of paper reading it with her glasses before taking them of and looking back at Hope

"In your luck your approved to work here"

"Wait really" hope nearly jumps up in excitement

The women walks over to her bending down hope looks confused at the action

"You have really nice eyes"

Her long fingers trail hope's leg as the young teen flinches by the sudden act

"Uh miss...I think


She presses a finger to the lips

"I haven't had sex in a while and you are such a charmer how about I give you a private special show"

The women begins unbuttoning her skirt

Playing with the tie Hope starts getting red and makes it her move to run to the door

"Sorry ma'am but im here professionally"

"Your a fool Mikaelson"

Aurora feels herself frustrated as the hot new employee bolts out the office rejecting her offer

Crossing off working for a rich CEO hope looks at her final option a pizza delivery guy

"What could be worse"

The manager is a man which is a positive for Hope knowing that she won't get hit on by women

"You got the job kid"


"But first you have to learn a few things"

"Cool Sir"

"It's Papa Mario"

"Right Papa Mario"

Hope is in uniform holding a delivery bag getting set for her first delivery of the day

Getting two pizza orders Hope grabs them and takes the address before getting on the motorcycle

After twelve deliveries

Now on her last delivery Hope recognises the address

Caroline opens the door finding a uniformed Hope with a box of pizza

A very hot looking Hope in uniform holding the pizza out to her

"What are u doing here"

Fifty bucks Hope hands out to the blonde pregnant women

"My first payment"

"How did you...

"I'm a pizza delivery guy I got the job see I told you I could be more responsible we'll talk later just take the pizza and enjoy babe"

Hope winks as she walks over to her motorcycle Caroline watches on gripping the box then coming to her senses and shutting the door heading back in to her family

Getting a call Hope checks to see her father calling her after leaving a ton of voice messages

"Hope pick up will you are you bloody okay me and your mother have been worried sick"

On call

"Finally the pup picks up the phone"

"Geez dad I'm sorry okay I had some business"

"What girl business"

"Something like that but if you must know I have a job"

Klaus laughs

"You a job my little spoilt mikaelson"

"Laugh all you want dad but yeah I'm a working responsible adult now"

The line goes silent until

"Oh god....don't tell me you knocked up some bird and that's why your acting all mature"

"How did you....

"I'm your father hope I know"

"Okay shush you can't tell mum at least not yet"


"Please dad"

"Fine but you'll have to tell her and fast"


"Now whose this girl please don't tell me she's a random one night stand"

"No no actually she's pretty special"

"Oh god don't tell me you love her"

"I think I do"

Klaus slaps his forehead at his teenage daughter's stupidity

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