Time To Step Up

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Four days later Caroline wast stressing out over how Hope just walked out after telling the teen she was pregnant

Knock Knock Knock

"Hope just open up please"

And after days of avoiding the older women Hope emerges unlocking the door as she stands leaning on the side

"What is it you want you've already made your bed"

"Excuse me"

"It's your dear husband's isn't it and I thought your marriage was dead did he finally turn you on or are you just a whore..

Just like that Caroline stepped forward slapping the teen

Hope looked down at the floor a bit waken from the slap

"It's yours"

Caroline covers her mouth that wasn't what she was supposed to say telling the troublesome teen whose eyes widened

"W-what no that's no....I used protection"

Coming to think of it they were pretty safe until wait it comes rushing back that one night when Hope didn't put on a condom and had passionate sex with the older women

"Forget I said anything"

Caroline makes to go only to get Hope pulling her back

"We need to talk about this caroline"

"There's nothing to talk about me and stefan are raising this baby together"

Hope looks at the stomach now picturing her kid inside

"Oh I see you don't think I'm old enough to take responsibility..that's total rubbish"

The blonde has a unimpressed tired look

"You don't have a job hope and you clearly aren't ready for a child"

"That's not for you to decide"

"Please don't make this any hard hope I can't do this anymore"

"I can get a job provide for the baby if that's what you want"

"Hope this....this affair between us has to end"

It's not easy for the women to say but she knows she has to if she want to make a go of her marriage

"I won't let you"

Hope looks desperately into her pregnant lover's baby Bambi eyes


"Tell me you don't feel anything for me"

Caroline tries to not meet her eye as hope grabs her hand placing it on her chest feeling the beat of her heart

They meet eyes

Surprisingly Caroline lunges forward and meets the teenager's lips who reciprocates cupping her cheek whilst placing soft kisses on her neck eager to prove a point

"Oh god...

"My Room Now!"

Looking at her phone josie smiles looking at a text from that guy she bumped into the mall


There supposed to be meeting today for a drink which the boy asked her confidently which made the brunette intrigued accepting his offer

Lizzie took notice of her sister's happy mood and commented

"Someone's smiling let me guess you got someone"

"It's just a friend we're going for a drink"


"Anyway I'm gonna get ready oh and have u seen mom"

"No she's probably with dad baby shopping or something"

Caroline breathes heavily as hope turns to look at her impressed at her making the older women orgasm many times

"Did that change your mind my love"

Looking over

"Look Hope this was the last time like you said"

"Okay then fine but from today on I'm gonna prove myself to be more mature and taking my responsibilities seriously"

Seeing the time Caroline shoots up quickly looking for her clothes

"Shoot I need to go"

Hope chuckles slightly disappointed

"Don't let me hold you up babe"

Caroline turns around biting her lip at the action of Hope zipping up her jeans making it look in appropriately sexy

"Uhh..  I better go"

The blonde leaves picking up her bracelet as she leaves the house


Landon is seen with Josie at a diner they order milkshakes while talking and they seem to have a good mutual understanding

It's the first person Josie had opened up to in a really long time ever since well hope

"I really didn't know you were into Disney movies"

"I'm still a kid at heart"

"I feel the same I'm still a kid even though I'm a teenager I just can't help but watch a Disney film smiling like a kid"

"I'm really glad we're friends"

They share a moment accidentally touching hands across the table

"Me too"

The brunette notices a bit of the chocolate milkshake on the boy's upper lip and wipes it with a napkin

"Thanks Jo"

Even though they were friends you could tell that this budding friendship was heading into a slow romantic path

Looking into a mirror it looked like Hope was trying tell her some powering words

"I hope will be a mature person starting of now"

The teen quickly rolled up her shirt flashing her abs in the reflection smirking

"Damn I'm hot but with responsibility this time"

Taking a deep breathe hope looked determined

"I'm gonna show Caroline how wrong she is and finally make her fall for me"

And that evening Hope was busy making a plan

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