Fist Fight

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I see a crowd of people looking towards connor bullying some guy with glasses holding up his book as he tries to grab it from the bully

"leave him alone connor"

Pushing the guy to the ground the jock turn his attention to a serious looking hope

"Got a problem mikaelson"

"Yeah I do now knock it off and give him his book back"

Without a care connor tears it up and chucks away the book landing beside the scrawny boy fending his glasses

"Oops looks like it has no use now"

"Your gonna get what's coming to you one day"

I march up to him as both connor and hope square off

Josie calls out to her boyfriend getting the attention from the two lifting their heads up to see the worried head cheerleader

"Connor leave it just ignore her"

Wanting to challenge him hope looks back to him with a smirk before making a triggering comment

"Ohh she is good isn't she I wonder what her hands can do...

And with that connor throws the first fist slightly bruising hope's chiselled jaw

Adjusting herself hope shakes her head with a manic look

"You just made a big mistake"

With that hope lunges at the boy taking him down with her as she lays into him

Back from shopping Caroline bumps into someone nearly dropping her bags

"I'm sorry...hope what happened"

A beaten looking hope tries to get past only to be stopped by a concerned caroline

"It's nothing"

"Tell me"

"I got into a fight that's all"

This is the first time in a while that caroline has seen hope looking kind of vulnerable

"you can come back to mine I'll help fix you up"

The young girl agrees taking the offer and following her in to the house

Putting the shopping away hope just stands by the door caroline looks up noticing her lost in thought

"How did it start"

"That loser that josie's dating connor he started picking on this defenceless guy so I stepped in having enough of his bullshit thinking he can just show who's boss to the whole school we shared a few insults and then we started throwing fist at each other...


What he deserved it and I know I look messed up but you should see him he looks way worse with my punches at his stupid annoying face"

"Violence isn't the answer hope you know that I thought I taught you better"

Hope chuckles

Caroline brings up the medicine dabbed wipe to hope's face carefully wiping of the smear edges of blood

"Your eyes are beautiful it enchases me I guess some things never change huh"

Caroline hitches feeling hope's eyes on her as she tries to carry on treating her scars without getting distracted by hope's flirtatious words

"Hope stay still"

"Even when I'm asleep all I can think is about you ever since you left it's been you on my mind"

"let's not do this hope"

"Tell me you don't still feel that way about me and I'll leave you alone for good"

Backing away from her caroline frustratedly leans against the kitchen counter with her head down

She then turns around looking back at a desperate looking hope

"I can't"

Hope has her answer and with that she sees Caroline run up to her pulling her in a passionate forbidden kiss

Connor is chasing after josie as she is ignore his pleadings

"Babe mikaelson started it what did u want me to do I had to defend my rep"

She spins hearing this

"What about me huh I told you not to pick fights anymore and you just went and did that"

"Listen from now on I'll change I promise just don't walk away"

"Maybe a break is good for us you know what I think we should break up connor and for good this time"

Before he could gets words out josie is out of sight

This is all that mikaelson's fault and for that she'll pay connor kicks a empty can nearby as he walks back to his car

Putting on her trainers back on hope looks over at caroline putting back her bra on with a smirk

Hope gets up when she's done and walks over holding the older lady's waist earning a whimper

"That was very fun"

"It was a mistake hope"

Pulling away caroline turns to see a dejected puppy looking hope

"But I it wa....

"Hope I'm married with two daughters about your age and I can't be having a affair with a teenager half my age"

"I don't care about your age it's just a number"

"This is wrong"

"No it's not because caroline you make me feel things I've never felt and it feels so good and the danger of being caught makes it even more better"

Taking her hands I see her finally look up at me our eyes lock

"I shouldn't have had sex with you"

"But you did admit it I know you liked it"

The front door shuts as footsteps approach

"Honey im home"

Stefan puts down his keys making it to the top of the stairs

"Quickly it's stefan go out the window"


"Just go"

Knowing wether she'll get a chance to kiss those perfect lips again hope takes a shot laying a reckless kiss on the blonde before heading over to the window

As if Hope had enough injuries from today she climbs out the window making it to the ground

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