I could really do with a break

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A week it's been and josie is on her phone texting whilst at the mall

Not looking reading a message the careless girl bumps into a boy

Looking up she sees the curly haired boy awkwardly stare amazed before apologising 

"I'm sorry are you okay"

The brunette looks up finally taking notice of the guy

"I'm fine actually I should be apologising since I wasn't looking"

"Still I'm kinda glad we bumped into each other I'm Landon"

He offers a hand she looks his way seeing his cute green eyes gleam

Shaking his hand he smiles wide as the girl smiles back genuinely


Across town Hope was busy playing pool drinking beer

Until her best mate Marky came by unimpressed knowing Hope was avoiding the reality of her and the ex teacher ending up together

"It won't work out between you two" he calls to hope

Taking a shot Hope spots her friend and fails not getting the ball in

"Great thanks for the entry"

Hope throws down the stick taking a gulp of her beer bottle

"Seriously hope this is insane your only eighteen"

"I'm gonna be nineteen in eight days"

"So that's it your gonna give up your life for a married woman"

"We have something special something you wouldn't get"

"Alright live in your delusion im going home"

"About time" replies hope sipping the last of her beer

He walks out knowing his stubborn friend was getting on his nerves

Stefan starts assembling a cot only to have trouble with the manual

"I swear it was easier when I first assembled a cot"

Caroline watches a bit bored

"If your having trouble then you can ask the neighbours for help or watch a tutorial

"No im completely fine honey I'm a man and this is a man's job I can do this"

Picking up her magazine the pregnant women gets inspired

seeing a cute little knitted jumper the blonde gets thinking of making one herself for her unborn baby

Two hours in stefan gets call from his meemaw making him urgently tell his wife who tells him to go help her which makes him rush to his car

Before that he quickly kisses Caroline promising to complete the cot when he gets back which is barely fixed

Bringing up a cream newborn jumper Caroline smiles adoringly proud of making this in just under an hour
from a magazine

Surprisingly she hears the door knock frantically

Lizzie is out with friends Josie is at the mall and Stefan had just gone to his grandma's

Holding her stomach she gently gets of the bed coming down the stairs

Pulling the door wide open showing hope with a leather jacket slinged over her


"Yes hope"

"Can I come in I need to talk"

Caroline let's her in taking a quick look if anyone in the neighbourhood saw

The older women remembers that hope is inside her house which has some baby stuff which might startle hope

Rushing up the stairs Caroline makes it to her bedroom only to find Hope now sat down reading the manual of the cot a bit confused

"What's this for"

meeting her eyes oh those golden retriever puppy eyes that the blonde can't deny makes her heart jump

"You don't need to know"

Now hope isn't dumb yes she has her moments but this time a sudden look of things starts ringing bells in her mind

On the bed lies a small sized jumper fit for an infant

Hope looks back at the guilty caught looking blonde women

"Are you pregnant"

The young teen jumps up walking up to her standing two inches away

"I am"

And just like that hope feels shock run through her body

At that moment just like that hope rushes out the house

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