Chapter 3 - Darkspawn?

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The trip to Heliodor felt so... freeing. You had never taken a step out of the village your entire life, and now you were finally out into the world, you felt like shackles were broken from your feet. You and Eleven made a beeline towards Heliodor, while fighting the odd monster or two. Your travel was stopped briefly by a short man living in a cabin not too far from the city. He taught you two about campsites and praying at statues, and sent you on your merry way. Soon, you reached the city



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Y/N: "Woah... This place is huge!"

Eleven: "Such a big shift from Cobblestone"

The culture shock hit as soon as you entered the city. There were so many more people than there ever were in Cobblestone, and it felt like you could get lost anywhere. 

Y/N: "Should we take a look around?"

Eleven: "Maybe later. For now, we need to see the king."

You stepped up into the upper level of the city, clearly the hub for the rich and wealthy. Up ahead was the gate to the King's castle, which had 2 soldiers guarding it. 

Y/N: "So how do we explain to them that you're the reincarnation of an ancient hero?"

Eleven: "Come on, if the king has been waiting for us for so long, they'll definitely let us in. Leave the talking to me."

Y/N: "If you say so..."

You approached the soldiers, who promptly crossed their polearms to block your path.

Soldier #1: "Halt! Not so fast!"

Soldier #2: "State your business!"

Eleven: *Ahem* "My name is Eleven, and I'm the reincarnation of the Luminary. Me and my companion here would like to have an audience with your king."

Upon hearing that, the two soldiers burst out in laughter

Soldier #1: "Here, shake my hand, mate! That's the funniest one I've heard all week!"

The other soldier settled down and did a 'shoo' motion with his hand

Soldier #2: "Clear off, will you? We haven't got time for this kind of nonsense."

Eleven then put his hand in his satchel, and pulled out the pendant that Amber gave to him.

Eleven: "But I have this pendant that I must show the king."

Both of them took a look at the pendant, before giving each other a look

Soldier #1: ".........D'you mind waiting here a minute?"

The soldier then left into the castle. A few minutes later, he came back and whispered something to his partner.

Soldier #1: "Ever so sorry for that little misunderstanding. Please, go right on through. His Majesty's waiting for you."

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