Chapter 6 - Returning Home

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Villager: "Welcome to Cobblestone! Not a lot goes on here, but I hope you enjoy your visit!"

Eleven: "I... was born here, you know?"

Villager: "Har har! Yeah, sure you were! And I'm the King of Heliodor! Har har har!"

Eleven was very confused. This was definitely Cobblestone, but it felt... off. He tried talking to people around town, but none of them recognized him. He eventually ended up at his home. He opened the door and saw Amber cooking

Amber: "Is that you, dear? I'm cooking your favourite—stew! It'll be ready any minute now. You'll be desperate to stuff your face as always, I'm sure. Well, set the table and I'll just give it a last little stir."

She turned around to look at him before suddenly being taken aback by fear 

Amber: "Eeek! Wh-Who are you!? And what are you doing in my house!?"

Eleven: "M-Mom! Relax, it's just me, Eleven! Your little soldier!"

Amber: "What nonsense are you talking? My boy is six years old! Who do you think you are, waltzing in here and claiming to be someone you're not?"

Eleven: "But I am your-"

Amber: "Whoever you are, I want you out of my house this instant! Don't make me say it twice!"

Eleven quickly left the house before things got too out of hand.

Eleven: "W-W-What's going on?"

He was snapped out of his thoughts when he heard a high-pitched bark from the bottom of the village. He looked down at the large tree and saw an young blonde girl and a puppy watching a H/C boy attempted to climb the tree. As he approached them, he noticed an orange headscarf stuck in the branches. He managed to grab it and held it out to the girl

Eleven: "I assume this is yours, young lady."

She turned and looked at Eleven, as he noticed her face was pretty red from crying

Girl: "Th-Thank you, mister! Hey, you can stop climbing now! This man got my scarf!"

Boy: "H-Hang on a second!"

The boy slid down the tree to meet up with the girl as she was putting on her headscarf.

Boy: "T-Thanks for that, sir. The name's Y/N."

Girl: "My name's Gemma! Who are you?"

Gemma and Y/N? Upon further inspection, Eleven did notice that the kids looked a lot like them when they were kids

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Gemma and Y/N? Upon further inspection, Eleven did notice that the kids looked a lot like them when they were kids. Very confused, he answered her question

Eleven: "My name's Eleven.."

She looked away slightly in confusion

Gemma?: "But...that can't be right... Oh, wait! I get it! That's not your name! You mean you're looking for him, right?"

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