Chapter 4 - Erik's Errand

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You opened your eyes and looked around. It appeared you were in some sort of room, and you were lying in a bed.

Y/N: "W-What happe-"

??: "About time you got up."

You looked over and saw Erik sitting in a chair between you and Eleven, who was still asleep on a bed. Suddenly everything hit you

Y/N: "O-Oh yeah! We jumped off the cliff to escape the guards! But... where are we now?

Erik:  "We're in a church near where we landed. Had to carry both of you here so you could recover."

Y/N: "Oh.. Thanks for that."

Erik gave a quick nod then turned to Eleven and tried to wake him up. 

Erik: "Wake up, lazybones! Come on! Up you get!"

Eleven opened his eyes and sat up to look at Erik

Eleven: "H-Hey, Erik, Y/N...

Y/N: "Good morning, sunshine."

Erik: "Finally! I was worried we'd lost you for a minute there. You've been out cold ever since we jumped. Had to drag you and Y/N all the way here on my own."

 He closed his eyes and reminisced on what happened.

Erik: "But what a jump it was! I closed my eyes, put my faith in the Luminary, and somehow didn't get smashed into a thousand pieces! In fact, I woke up on the forest floor at the bottom of the cliff without a scratch on me. Amazing what a little faith can do."

Erik stood up from the chair and grabbed his things.

Erik: "Anyway, I guess we all must be at the top of the King of Heliodor's Most Wanted list by now. Which means we can't hang around here too long. Let's go say thanks to the nun who looked after us and be on our way."

You and Eleven got up and grabbed your things before leaving the room. In the main hall of the church, a nun was standing in front of the altar.

Nun: "Ah, there you are, my children. I trust that your friends here have fully recovered?"

Erik: "Oh, don't worry about them, they're just fine! Thanks for looking out for us—we owe you one!"

Y/N: "Is there any way we could repay you for your assistance!"

Nun: "Not at all, dear. I am just happy to see you three well again. But if you are leaving, you must be careful on the road. It seems some dangerous criminals have escaped from the capital, and are at large somewhere in the area. Oh, I shudder to think what wicked deeds they might be capable of..."

The three of you looked at each other, surprised that the news of your escape has already spread this quickly.

Erik: "Criminals, you say? Dear me! That doesn't sound good! And you heard this when you were in Heliodor?"

Nun: "I did indeed, my child. There were guards everywhere! They are searching high and low for the villains. And I heard that the mighty knight Sir Hendrik himself has headed to the mountains in the south with his troops. They say he means to block the road to Cobblestone, the village the fugitives came from... Oh, but you must forgive me, poor lambs. I did not mean to alarm you. They will soon be caught, I am sure. Justice will be done. And until then, you are free to remain with us for as long as you please."

Eleven: "We thank you for your hospitality, madam."

Erik: "Thanks, we appreciate that."

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