Entering Columbia

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You walk through the crack in the mountains to the place they say lives the magical Madrigals. You've heard so many things about them all the gifts from each.

Julieta- Can heal people with her delicious food.
Peppa- can control the weather with her emotions.
Bruno- can see the future.
Isabella- can grow any plant of her choice.
Delores- can hear everything.
Luisa- Can lift anything with her super strength.
Camilo- Can shape shit into anyone.
Antonio- can talk to any animal.

You were so excited to meet them all and start a new journey into your life. You continue forward to the beautiful village now full of new and amazing people. Once you entered the village you saw whom to be a girl with short curly hair, green glasses, and a beautiful white and blue dress. You went up to her. "Uhm hello! I'm y/n! I'm new here I came from the outside on an adventure to meet new and amazing people and I heard of here and wanted to know more about this place! " you said very nervously. She looked over at you and smile "Ah I bet you came for the amazing Madrigals! " she said excitedly. "lucky for you I'm one of them! My name is Mirabel Madrigal! I'm the youngest daughter of Julieta and Augustin. I sadly didn't get a gift but I can tell you all about my family. " You smiled and nodded nervously. She took your hand and led you to the center of the town were there was Peppa and Isabella. You had stars in your eyes as you saw the two *wow Isabella is more prettier than I imagined* you thought to yourself. " Tia Peppa! Isabella! This is y/n she is new to the town and wanted to know more about the family! " Mirabel exclaimed. "Well I'm Peppa! Of course you know that I, control the weather with my emotions. It's not that fun when there is a random storm over your head given anxiety. " Peppa said a little annoyed because Isabella wasn't listening to her instructions. "Oh relax Tia Peppa, it's fine Abuela will like it" Isabella said growing vines of beautiful flowers around a post. Peppa just rolled her eyes and went home. Mirabel smiled at you and took you to Camilo and Delores. Mirabel introduced you the same way she did with Peppa and Isabella. They told you how their powers are and how they work and how they feel about them. Mirabel then took you to Julieta and Lusia,they did the same thing, as did Antonio. After going through all of them it was starting to get dark out. "Stay right here there is one more I just have to find him" Mirabel said as she walked away. You listened to her but it started to get darker. 10 minutes passed the moon began to show. "Ah look at her, she's something else isn't she? " you heard from a distance. You started to look around freaked out. "Wh-WHOS THERE" You yelled. " heheheh depends sweetie?" You heard the voice say. Next thing you feel someone grabbing onto you from behind gripping you hard taking a knife to your throat. "Whatta ya plan on giving me? ". You started to get even more freaked out you wanted to scream out for help but that would make things worse why did Mirabel have to leave you alone? You began to shake. " AAAGH" You heard as he fell off of you. "YOU STAY AWAY FROM HER YOU FREAK" Mirabel yelled holding a candle holder heavily breathing. You tried to back away from the crazy strange guy but he grabbed your arm and cut it bad. "GAAAAAHH" you screamed out in pain. From far away Delores heard you scream and knew something was wrong so she got Julieta and they came for you. "GO GO AWAY" Mirabel yelled. The guy laughed and ran away. As soon as he was gone Delores and Julieta showed up. You were on the ground holding your arm as blood poured out. You started to feel dizzy. The next thing you knew you fainted. It seemed like hours went by toll you woke up. You woke up in a strange dim lit room as some guy was tending to your badly cut arm wrapping it up to keep it safe. "O-oh y-your up heh s-sorry" he said. "I-I-I saw how bad your arm was a-and I couldn't let it just stay like that. Julieta c-couldnt do anything about it till you woke up. S-sorry if I was intruding or making you u-uncomfortable" he said very socially awkwardly. You couldn't help but to stay into his eyes. They were enticing. "N-no you weren't.. In fact I'm glad you did this it hurt a lot" you said giving him a warm smile. "Ah good. I'll go get Julieta-" "WAIT" "H-Huh? ". You needed to know who this strange nice man was. " who... Who are you why are you helping me? " you asked cocking your head. "Oh sorry I didn't introduce myself. I'm Bruno Madrigal. Mirabel, Delores, and Julieta came inside in a rush with you. They wouldn't tell me what had happened they just showed me your arm. It g-got we really concerned. I'm really not supposed to be in here till morning but I couldn't let your arm just stay like that so I decided to... Help. " he said very nervously. "You really didn't need to but thank you. I'm y/n l/n I came from the outside I wanted to learn about the Madrigals. I'm really on a self journey" you said humbled. He gave you a warm smile and said "Well I predict the future. B-but they never... Never help anyone. " he said a little sad. "B-but it's okay I try not to let that bother me... Not anymore at least". You looked at him very concerned. " Bruno. If it didn't help anyone that's there problem that they took it poorly. It's not your fault that there future turned out that way. You don't control the future you predict there's a difference. It's not your fault and you do not make bad things happen " you said to him sitting up. He just looked at you astonishingly. "No one.. No ones ever said that to me before. No one but Mirabel. You really shouldn't sit up you took a hard fall. I'll get Julieta. " he said smiling at you as he left the room. You looked around at the room you were in it was a very nice room. It had everything you needed. Improved with the tech for this year. It seemed like awhile before Julieta came in with some food. "Hello pretty girl, it's good to see you are up! " she said sweetly. "I have some food for you, you really should eat up and get some more rest" she said handing you the food. You took one bite of what she gave you and you felt no more pain in your arm. You took off the wrapping Bruno put on your arm and saw the cut was gone. "Woah amazing" you said under your breath. It made Julieta smile. "Eat up, then get some sleep, you will be staying with us for some time as whoever that was could be out for you. Brunito and Mirabel will be staying here with you during the day while we do our chores." She said as she began to leave. You nodded at her and continued to eat. After a bit you finished your food and layed back down. You began to think how amazing it was that you were staying with the Madrigals instead of some lousy bed n breakfast or motel. After a bit you fell asleep ready for the next day.

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