That night

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That night, Bruno had a bouquet of red roses he had his hair up and was dressed up a bit. He breathed in "knock knock knock knock knock on wood" he then knocked on your door and waited. You answered halfway decent you were getting out of your day clothes and you just happened to be in just your bra and panties. He stared at you in awe and immediately looked away "aha excuse me sorry didn't expect you to uhm answer like that aheh you- you can finish what you were doing I'll wait right here for you" he said extremely blushing. You laughed "okay, you are all dressed up may I have to as well? " you asked him smirking. "N-no you can get in your night outfit just me" he said sweating. *fuck fuck fuck oh god* he thought in his head. "Okay I'll be ready in just a few" you said going back in the room and getting your night outfit on. "Damn her, she should have put at least a blanket around her gah this is going to be harder now" Bruno said to himself. You opened up the door and let him in. He handed you the roses "uhm these are for you. " he said with an, awkward smile. "Oh thank you Bruno these are lovely" you said with a big grin. "Why are you all dressed up?" You asked. "I just wanted to look nice for you tonight, wanted to talk to you. " Bruno said blushing. "Aw you're so sweet, but you are right I need to talk to you" you said upset a bit. "I uh, I plan on leaving in 2 days. " you said nervous on how he would react. "W-What why!?" Bruno said very upset. "I can't stay here forever. I'm on a journey. I've been taken up all of your time and I'm sure you guys don't want me here forever. " you said looking away. "I DO!" he blurted. You looked at him shocked. "What? What do you mean you do? " you said. "I-I sorry I didn't mean to blurt that what I mean is... I... I... God it's hard to say this. I've really really enjoyed my time with you and I really really don't want this to end and it's getting into my head and mixing everything up" he said upset. You turned on music and started to sing to him " awake in the night my eyes are red, I'm sinking through the floor again and I, can feel you hold me" you reached your hand out suggesting him to sing with you. He grabbed your hand and started to sing. "I let you inside my head again, I'm loosing track of who I am but why does it console me" he sang as you put your hand on his check and he embraced it he continued to sing "when you, when you-" you let go of his cheek and he grabbed onto your hand and continued "Hypnotize! " he pulled you in and started to dance with you and sang "just sing me like a lullaby, just take me to a world where I'm numb to what life's become by your side, when you Hypnotize. " you both really started to let your urges go a tiny bit he caressed you curves you stared deeply into his eyes all, while still dancing. Then you continued the song by singing "I put on a smile to hid the blues, the feeling that I'll never fill your shoes" he held onto you closely looking at you softly and romantically you used your fingers to tip toe up to his face while singing "I take the pill to be with you" he sang "why? Why" then went into his chorus "Hypnotize! Just sing me like a lullaby, just take me to a world where I'm numb to what life's become by your side when you hypnotize. " you both continued the intense romantic dancing enjoying your time together bringing a smile to his face as you finished the song. "That... That was fun, see your just so much fun to be with! " he said to you pulling you up from a dip and fixing your hair. You started to see there was more than just care in him. There's something he really wants to say but you could tell he was nervous. "So are you. " you expressed sitting on the bed. He started to blush with a smile. "Please.... Don't go I enjoy having you around and I know the others do too. Didn't... Didn't you come here to fit in? Because you do you really do. " he said sitting down with you. "Yes, you are right I did. But I just felt like I was just taking up all of your time and everyone else's. " you said yawning. "No... Never. You could never be taking up too much of my time." He said his eyes very vulnerable. He put his hand on your check and you looked at him he got decently closer and said "you are a beautiful woman, I'm the one that's taking up your time not the other way around you are perfect in every way. " you kept staring into his beautiful brown eyes you felt a rush of temptation tune over you. You felt flushed and you began to blush. You both just stared into each other's eyes for a bit. You broke the strong tension by saying "you didn't come here just to comfort me and make sure I'm okay. There's more you aren't saying is there something you want to tell me? " he began to sweat again and let go of your cheek and backed up. "Yes, but it's very hard to say." He said gripping the bottom of his shirt. You took his hair down and wiped the sweat off his face "go ahead say it." You said smiling. He, smiled at you took a deep breath in and out and said "I... I think.. No.. I know.. Uhm.. I'm.. I'm in love with you. I'm very deeply in love with you" he said his face turning completely red. "Bruno... " you said quietly. "I know I know stupid right... Where do I go saying I love you when I don't deserve someone as perfect as you" he said getting up nervously. You stopped him and just gave him a warm smile. He looked at you and said "I'm sorry. " you just grinned more and kissed him. He had a, shocked wide eyed expression when you did but then he slowly closed his eyes and embraced it. Once you let go of the kiss, he was heavily breathing. "Don't be sorry. I love you too Bruno. I just didn't know how to say I didn't think you felt the same that's why I was going to leave" you said passionately. "Of course I do, we, spent so much time together you make me feel like I'm young again please don't go. " he said desperately. "I won't go anywhere unless you want me too. " you said holding his hand. He smiled at you "does this mean that you'll be-" "your girlfriend, yes".he smiled very much more. " I'm glad, you make me happy " he said with love in his eyes. He got up to leave. "No... Don't go please stay with me tonight. " you said sad he got up. "I thought maybe you wanted to take this all in I could get in trouble if I stayed no one but Delores knows about this conversation. " he said nervous. "Please" he looked even more nervous. "Okay I will but I'm in these clothes and I didn't bring anything extra and these are pretty uncomfortable" he said hoping you'd let him at least go back and change. I have spare clothes in here. This again is a guest room so there clothes for girls and guys" you said smirking. He looked annoyed. "You expect me to change in front of you? " he said crossing his arms. "Maybe we are a couple" you said giggling. "We JUST became a couple silly" he said facepalming with a smile. "I know you're right sorry" you said laying down. "I guess I will change here but no looking got it? " he said stern. You nodded and looked away as he undressed himself you peeked over and saw him fully undressed. You realized the pants he was wearing were so tight he didn't have room to wear underwear. The things he went through to look good for you. You didn't see his dick. He was turned away. He started to get the clothes on and you quickly looked away blushing a lot understanding why he said to not look. Once he was dressed he got into bed with you and he held you. You felt at peace and fell asleep.

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