Talking it out

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"Y/n" Bruno said. You were nervous he didn't seem happy and it seemed like he was laying there for quite some time. "Mi Vida what's got you upset? I was trying to find you. " you said nervous. What's going on? He just stared at you so disappointed. He breathes in and out and calmly said "Is there something you should tell me? " he stood up. You suddenly realized, there was you were going to tell him you are pregnant. But with the way everything was it seemed like he knew. How does he know? "Uhm yeah actually there is. " you said grabbing his hand. "I'm very sorry for how I've been towards you ever since that night. I had a suspicion then that your powers picked up on something and I didn't want you to find out through a vision because of how everyone treats you because of your visions. I didn't want you freaking out because of how long we had been together at that point and you thinking I would hate you or something I didn't want you to have to go through anything like that at all. So I waited as long as I had to to find out. I sent Camilo out to get me the thing I needed to find out and sure enough I was right. Bruno, I'm pregnant." You said about to get more into explanation until He started to speak. "Yeah! I know you are you kept this from me made me not use my powers for months to keep a secret a very important secret from me that I should have found out then. To be honest I'm so hurt at this. I'm happy about it that I'm going to be a father. But I'm so so hurt that you did this that you kept me from using my powers. " he said letting go of your hand. You looked at him suspicious. "You... You did a vision didn't you that's how you know huh. " you said crossing your arms a bit upset. "Y-yes okay yes I did I had a vision about it today. Because no one was home and I was bored and I could not understand why you were doing what you were doing I needed to know what was going on with you, with us so I had a vision. " he said getting mad. "I told you not to! " you yelled. "Yeah! You did! I didn't listen I know! But-But the WAY you told me to not do it very much hurt me and made me question you. It made me feel like you don't actually love me for myself for how I am and I was frustrated! I had too!" He yelled back. You started to to tear up. "I didn't know how to tell you! I wasn't ready to tell you! And I certainly didn't want you to find out from a damn vision because I thought it'd be better if you heard it from me myself!!! I-I know what I did was wrong but you should have listened to me I could have told you sooner I'm sorry I didn't! But I just wanted to protect you! I didn't want you to feel like we vision ruined everything! I love you! I love you, your hair, smile, eyes, hair, your powers everything. You are amazing I would never hate you I just had complications trying to break this to you especially back then since we had been together for only a month! I'm sorry. " you said back holding your tears back. He just got a sad concerned expression on his face. "No I'm sorry I should have listened to you. I'm just upset it wasn't said sooner. I love you too but. You should not have kept this from me I know you were scared and wanted to protect me but you should have came to me. Everything would have been fine and I am happy I'm going to be a father, I've always wanted to be a father. " he said apologetic. You looked at him with sorrowful eyes. You grabbed his hand and smiled. "We both did something wrong. But it will be okay. I also wanted to tell you that I'm going to find out the gender next month" you said happily. He got big happy excited eyes and hugged you but not tightly he didn't want to hurt  the baby. After a bit of discussion of the baby you guys got extremely tired. You both headed to your room to go to sleep.  The next day you woke up and you noticed that your stomach was decently bigger. You got super excited and woke up Bruno to show him. He just gave you a warm happy smile. You two got ready for the day and went to do what you had to do. The next few months were going to be interesting.

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